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Good/costly Tyres Rear, Bad/cheaper Tyres Front.? G6Et


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Hey guys....think this is my first thread but been around awhile ;)

So.... Was wondering what people's thoughts are on having good quality grippy tyres on the rears and just cheaper or longer wearing tyres on the front.

Obviously this is for a performance car (G6ET) otherwise it'd be silly I know.

Now I'm not necessarily wanting to be a cheap skate...more thinking of simply upgrading the rears to a tyre I normally wouldn't buy all round to get better traction. I also don't do a lot of Kay's so was thinking this helps the cause a little too.

Any thoughts...thanks!

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As above, I recently got rid of a set of cheapo tyres. I had shocking traction on the rears due to low tread. The fronts were much less worn, and as much as I hated skating due to throttle, I left them on the fronts to make sure I could stop as well as possible at all times. If I swapped them and got more traction I'd be reducing my braking power.

The fronts don't wear as much (assuming you have proper alignment/pressure/good condition bushes) so you could actually say it makes sense to put the BEST tyres on the front.

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As above, I recently got rid of a set of cheapo tyres. I had shocking traction on the rears due to low tread. The fronts were much less worn, and as much as I hated skating due to throttle, I left them on the fronts to make sure I could stop as well as possible at all times. If I swapped them and got more traction I'd be reducing my braking power.

The fronts don't wear as much (assuming you have proper alignment/pressure/good condition bushes) so you could actually say it makes sense to put the BEST tyres on the front.

Sorry maybe I should clarify....I'm not talking about rotating worn tyres or anything.

More like buying a "decent" pair of say Dunlops for the front and a good pair of "sticky" khumos(or whatever brands are good) so yeah...I'm certainly not talking about putting home brand Chinese tyres on the front either.

I'll also point out all my "performance driving" is done in a straight line ;). No track work and never thrash on twisty roads! Also I Have upgraded brakes aswell!

Edited by KAOPointman
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My point is you really want the grippiest tyres you can get on the front , lower treadwear usually means more grip but higher wear. This isn't as much an issue on the front as they aren't the driven tyres. Rears mostly only need grip for acceleration.

I've grabbed a set of Achilles ATR Sport 2 recently for only $179 fitted and balanced in 245/40/18. They are gripping really well, used to use Kumho KU31s back on my 17" rims. ATR Sport 2 seem better so far. Better than both however are Nitto Invo. Wicked cornering grip on my 17's. Have not used them on my 18's yet, but you can get them for around $200 from Taleb Tyres on the forum here.

How much you looking at spending on the Dunlops? I've heard they are exxy.

Edited by -SteveR-
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I'd definitely do it the other way round.. One the rears will go quicker and two at least if the rear let go you can steer it back into position... When the front let go you just... Understeer into a tree or whatever

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False economy.

The best set of 4 you can afford - properly rotated and aligned aren't going to cost that much more than a mis-matched pair and will give a longer life than 2 sets you can't rotate. You also will spend less time driving around with front tyres that are past their peak in terms of grip (a set of fronts could take 20k to wear down the last 20% - well past their prime, while you'll have been buying new rears far more often that you would have been if you'd been rotating)

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I wish the FPV rims I have were the same offset front to back so I could swap them on each side (or all around with non directional tyres like Invos). As it is though to swap tyres around I'd need to pay the shop to remove and refit, possibly balance as well? They were only $179 each so to pay for rotations starts to chew into the value equation :(

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