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Colour Choice ...


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and Hands Up all you ol fogey's who have bought a vibrant young colour to shake off all those feelings of being your real age. :thumbsup: as I meekly put up my wrinlkled arm


*Hand reluctantly goes up. * :thumbsup:

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That's my point (I think :thumbsup:) ... why do you like red, and what does it say about your personality type.

Each of us makes choices in life that we are compelled to, because of who we are ... colour preference is one of those.

Not trying to stir anything or anyone up here, just making an observation. Maybe I'm wrong ... been known to happen.  :thumbsup:

Jees.... Kenny!

You sure know how to keep a thread going!

I think you're absolutely right.

Put up your hands all you young proffesionals who have chosen a colour (such as HgAg) because you want to feel more responsible and mature and blend in with the age set of the managers/partners etc.

and Hands Up all you ol fogey's who have bought a vibrant young colour to shake off all those feelings of being your real age. :o as I meekly put up my wrinlkled arm

And how about those guys (and gals) who love the image of being dark, mysterious, possibly a bit of a "bad boy" / "bad girl" who have silouette.....

And then there's all us schizo's (me included) who have several cars of different colours so we can blend in with groups of differnt types depending on how we feel.

What does the forum think..... openly and honestly now.....

PS this topic is better suited for Chit Chat on a weekend after a few glasses of Red!



How do you guys get away with all these colour fights.

I just mentioned I had window switch lighting as standard in my T and a moderator killed my thread stating it had been done too many times.

Back back to this thread.

Yes I'm over 40 and I have nothing left to prove (car wise). So HgAg is my smug colour. Understated (not in ya face such as blood orange, blueprint and citric acid) But underneath lurks a SS beater.


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How do you guys get away with all these colour fights.

I just mentioned I had window switch lighting as standard in my T and a moderator killed my thread stating it had been done too many times.


Dont take offence to it, if you've been here for a while you'll understand that technical threads being covered over and over get's to be a bit tedious, it doesnt take much to find the original threads and add replies to them.

Mod's have a filter on the colour wars so we dont have to deal with em. :thumbsup:

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I was dead set on Phantom but the missus insisted it would 'date'. Yeah right...

Anyway... I took one look at the Lightning Strike and loved it. So that's what I ended up with.

If I did it again, I'd go the Phantom or even the colour of the car I drove as a test (and hated at the time)... blood orange. But If I did... it would have to have black stripes and a GT-P badge on the back. :)

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and I dont like the maintenance side of the darker colours (Phantom/Silhouette),

Well, although the darker colours show the dirt and grime more than the white, the dirt and grime is still there on the lighter colours.

It's all up to keeping the car clean. ;)

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Ken !!! I see you have been ni the cookie barrel again. Go to your room this minute young man.

What? :o

I'm just sitting here quietly watching ... :o

... I do like the fact that you called me "young man" though ... :ta:

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I find it interesting that there are always comments on "Colour Wars" threads such as, "yawn", "hohum", :thumbsup: , etc., but when the subject comes up, there are always a lot of passionate posts ... :nyaah:

Could it be that people actually think colour (choice) is important and says something about who we are and what we want others to see us as? :kissmy:


It's just something we are all equally qualified to argue about.

I mean, what the hell is a T56 anyway? :thumbsup:

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