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Kumho Ku31 Or Achilles Atr Sport 2?


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How long is a piece of string. Depends on how you drive. Grandma will get 40K. I may get 1K

lol...true. Think you will be lucky to get 100km with burn-outs like that.

I'm pretty conservative(must be getting old), as long as I can get 20K on them will be happy.

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  • To Loud
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245 or 255 if possible/19s (standard lux pack rims) just for the rears. Or is it advisable to get new shoes on all 4? The fronts are new that's all.

I have the 19" lux pack rims too and I had the dunlops on originally. I then went onto the ATR Sports 2 at the rears with 26000km on the dash.

I now have 42800km on the dash and the rears need to be changed out.

How long is a piece of string. Depends on how you drive. Grandma will get 40K. I may get 1K


Tyres are a consumable and need to be consumed.

hahahahaha awesome sh*t. this is why I am so jealous of you all the time. you get to have all the fun when you get up to shenanigans like that.

I would be sh*t scare to do that, as Knowing my luck, I would have a cop around the corner just waiting for me, when I finally gained the courage to do something like that.

Fark If I were to do that right now, I would be running on wire withing 30 seconds of burnout.

I debating if I go with ATR sports 2 again.

I have them on all four corners now and I can tell that they are a lot quieter than the dunlops. I prefer their grip as well in comparison to the dunlops as I know when the ATR's are gonna let go and start slipping.

With the Dunlops, I had no idea when they would let go.

The ATR Sport 2 on the rears are shocking in the wet. I have had quite a few close encounters with the kerbs a few times especially in the wet.

I do not want to get ATR Sports 2 for the rears because of this.

They are just fine for the front, and brake well in the wet. However the rears are a totally different story. :(

I am planing on getting the KU36 or the Invo's for the rears next, but I am worried about the noise that they will make.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!!!!!!

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Don't get ATR 1. What about nexen 6000 or the new nexen SU1

If all fails the ku31 will be ok. I have them on the rear of my F6

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One report of the ATR2 being no good in the wet. Any others? My 595 Federal Evos are rubbish. Should have learnt after the first set. Half tread and they're gooone. I'd like to step up to 35 series (275 35 19) also which the ATR2 come in. Can get for $210 a corner fitted. Thoughts?

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  • To Loud
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Bomber. I still have the atr sports 2 on the rears. They are about to hit the markers, so they are still legal at the moment.

I am pretty sure that you have changed your rims from the luxury pack rims to something else, hence the reason you looking at 275 instead of 245 right?

I still fear these tires in the wet, however Steve has been raving about them. Is it 9ossible that the kuhmos he had before were worse than the dunlops hence he felt better grip?

I went from dunlops to the atr sport2. Downgrade?

Steve went from kuhmo to atr sport2. Upgrade?

I need to change tires in the next two weeks without a doubt.

I am contemplating the tires Arron mention. Nexus 6000.

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Perhaps no tyre can hold powerful rwds in the wet? I'll be interested to see your thoughts on your next tyres masda! It will prob not rain again till next year after you put em on though :P

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