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Car Cover Advice


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  • All round good guy!
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Hi everyone.

My car has always been garaged. Its 6 years old and the paint looks likes its new. I do look after it.

In the near future it is going to spend periods outside the garage. This is outside my control. I need to get a car cover, a good one, to protect it from UV and dust and stuff. Id prefer not to but its not an option.

Can anyone recommend a good one to me that wont do more harm that good please? I need to know pretty quick so I can get someone to get it for me.

Really appreciate you advice everyone.

Buy the way, I am looking on ebay but there is a lot to choose from and Id rather buy from experience than price. I have heard some scratch the paint etc,

Cheers, Rud

Edited by Rudiger
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Hey Rud,

I was looking into this a couple months ago for the typhoon as I'll be overseas for the rest of the year. The problem with car covers is that dust and dirt can still blow up from underneath and settle on your car. Then with the weight of the car cover pressing against that dirt whilst its moving in the wind can can cause some pretty nasty scratches. I heard a horror story of some guy's car who had a spot rub back to bare metal.

In saying that, I didn't do heaps of research as that was enough to put me off. Plus my car will hopefully be under a carport or at least out of direct sunlight pretty much at all times.

Hopefully someone hear can chime in with a better alternative.

Hope all is well mate!


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If your not using it often. Give it a detail and coat in fish oil. It will be dirty when you get back to it. But a wash and hey presto good as new.

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I have been a spraypainter for 17 years now,

I would not cover my car up outside.

thanks mate. I hear what you are saying. Its pristine at the moment from being garaged and I was more worried about rubbers and black surfaces when left in the sun for long periods is all.

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When my car was in the open I had a hail cover at the ready,

That said any cover should never be left on for prolonged periods.

If possible do not leave the car in the same position as the sun

and weather will attack it unevenly.

Window tints in particular

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I'd be covering the interior if I was worried - dash, console, backs of rear seats etc

edit: and as ^^ said - get the car moved occasionally if possible so it's not the same spots getting hit all the time

Edited by raband
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