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The Bendoco Limo (Long - Lots Of Pics)


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Before Pit Lane installed the Nizpro exhaust, I asked them to weld in a bung that would get used for an EGT gauge. Thought it made sense to do it while the zorst was on the ground and then decided that I would take the gauges down to Melbourne so they could fit them when I went back to pick the car up but the box didn't fit in my back-pack and Virgin were gunna charge me heaps to take them on the plane so they stayed home and I finally got them fitted today.

I bought a Speedhut set of gauges and a triple pod from Wal at Top End Audio in Perth and had absolutely no idea where to start when it came to fitting them so I asked Willo if there is anything to look out for as he has the same set of gauges - seeing them in a pic of his car is why I decided on this set.

I ended up being a big chicken and giving the car to my local auto sparky mate today to fit them but now they are installed, I'm not sold on the silver bezel.......may change my mind at night time when I see the glow of the pointer (red) reflecting off it.


When I picked the car up this arvo, Craig (auto sparky) said Don,

we wired it in here


connected Boost here


T-pieced in here for the Oil Preasure


and coz no clutch, had plenty of room to run everything through the gromet


I said "do they all work" to which he answered "yep".

Job done.

I'll take a cupla pics tonight and upload them to see what you all think about the silver bezel.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

^^^^ Mick ??

Honestly not sure willo. I haven't put the car up on a hoist since I got her back to have a look at everything

tooooo busy wasting rubber


you didn't winge about your name change did you rab? LOL

Edited by BenDoCo
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  • WOT?
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Was too friggin confusing for me

I'd be halfway through a thread

"Who's that wanker?"

"Oh f*ck - it's me......."

OT - gauges are looking good :)

Does the boost read out what you expect it to?

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

^^ good question Jet.............my answer = "I really don't know".

a cupla people suggested that it may/would be more helpful and a mate up here is the president of the local 4x4 club and he suggested as well so just went with all of them.............you know more than anyone Jet that I just do what I'm told. hehehe


Don't know rab -- too scared to look when it's going sideways...........old and no reflexes remember.........lol

At idle, Oil sits at 22psi, EGT at about 420 C and once at WOT half way through third the boost gauge showed about 14lb so maybe it reads a pound high coz the printout of the 13psi tune doesn't hit 14.

Don't forget that MY main concern is watching the road when driving (I'm such a good boy) so I may be wrong with the boost.

These gauges have a warning light and beep beep sound that can be set rab so once I work out how to do that, I really won't need to look at them very much...............same as speedo aye!

Just took a cupla night pics and if anything, they could be a bit brighter or at least the pointer could be. Might have to hit up the speedhut website and weeeetube to see if that can be adjusted.

Whatchya fink?



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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

Seem to be about the same brightness as you're speedo/tacho? From the pic they seem 100% matching to those 2 gauges.

Just look a bit dull because of the screen under them?

Turn the screen down a notch and see what you think.

Aidan want's his CD back too :P

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

I think his norman price is $970 Jet but like always - I wasn't gunna pay the first price he gave so I got a 'bit' of a discount. onya Wal

When I worked it out on the Speedhut website, then added the price of shipping and then the pod on top, it isn't a bad price from TopEnd plus the guy is a laugh --- had a good voice and email chat with him over a week or so, so I know if something goes wrong with them, he'll be right there to help out.

As far as fitting, I got looked after pretty well.

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