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The Bendoco Limo (Long - Lots Of Pics)


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Went out playing on Saturday Night with some friends and tested out the TrueTrac with the new oil in it (no video though cos it shows ALL of my car)

This is from the TrueTrac or KAZZ thread when I was asked to explain the unpredictable nature of the TrueTrac LSD in my car - http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/91036-true-trac-or-kaaz-diff/


If I'm in 2nd gear and flick TC off (don't really need to do this anymore coz most of the time, TC doesn't function), my car will flick 'immediately' it looses traction to the left so I give it a bit of left hand down on the wheel to keep front wheels straight and everythings sweet - lookatmelookatme - but all of a sudden and without warning, it will flick over to the right. Usually I can keep going by right hand down on the wheel but unfortunately it's anyones guess what will happen next. It could flick either way or pull straight.

Once I had it close to 90 degrees (facing the kerb) and coz I'm a scared little girl, I got off the pedal straight away and another time it flicked me past 90 degree to the right ------------ and there was a friggen semi coming the other way.

I don't even try doing anything like that in 3rd gear with the bigger turbo on coz not knowing what the back will do would be the difference between me driving it home and posting a pic on instagram with the caption "well, that happened" with the mangled mess on a tow truck.

IMHO, the TrueTrac is a bit 'harsh' when it sends whatever percentage of torque to each wheel that it decides is needed.......needs to be softened a bit I reckon

So on Saturday night I was with some really nice - high powered - cars playing around a bit and I can now drive my car knowing that if I floor it and it looses trackion whilst I'm going straight, she will slip a bit to the left (natural) and THAT'S IT.

If I 'left hand down' a bit and then let it loose traction, she'll slip to the right and that's it..........and each time it will just come straight as soon as the tyres start to grip up......even into 4th ;)

No more of this "unpredictability" that I used to experience all the time and since I was thinking of swapping out the TrueTrac for something else (yes -- I hated the Diff that much), a simple oil change has saved me heaps of money :)

So my Question is:

How the hell can a different oil (no idea what pit lane would have put in it when it was installed 25000k's ago) make soooooooo much difference to how an LSD works????

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 25d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

A few posts up is what I used

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 25d
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  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

OCD will be kept at bay for a while until it all stretches and moves again lol


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 25d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

if you mean the rear plate of the muffler then it's a bit of slag (or whatever you call it) from when the left trumpet had to be cut off and welded back on that's gone like that

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I know I'm not OCD - but fark me - all the factory FG's I've seen have their tip at an angle that needs to be straightened

eg: (random pic - not the worst, but still "wrong") - I think mine goes the other way


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