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ohh and sorry ratter I didn't get what you meant with who am I going to blame.. I thought you meant I would blame people on the forums but you meant blame either the way bars or the coilovers lol my mistake

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no worries mate, yes I was referring to what part is going to cop the blame if it doesn't handle as expected, suspension components should work in harmony with each other, having a mismatch may affect the final result, but that final result is different for what each person may want, you are paying for a great product, give that product a go as recommended, if it does not perform for what you want then try adding the bars

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  • WOT?
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If it's new I'd definitely keep it shiny and in its box - already bought and paid for and if you're about to make it redundant you'll definitely have a better chance of selling it unused.

It'll always be there as well if, once you put the coilovers on, you decide you still have too much body roll, but I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised.

edit: on this note I'd also suggest going with all the recommend settings/heights etc initially.

Try it as the maker intended for a while before you make your own changes. I was totally blown away by the differences it made to the car and am slowly working my way up to some sort of familiarity with it in "stock" setup to where I should be able to notice what any adjustments do - and look to fine tune from there.

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  • WOT?
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340-345 hub to arch (I think) is the recommended (I think stock is 355-375?)

Haven't adjusted or measured mine, but they come at the recommended height so I'm tipping it's around there.

Another week or so and I'll start playing with the dampening to get a feel for the changes it makes (won't change the height though).

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I've been running dirty stinking Pedders coil overs on my BA ( I don't know if they are linear or progressive spring rate)

But I can hand on heart say that running larger than stock sway bars with the coilovers cost traction entering and mid corner in my application.

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  • WOT?
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Yeah - it's good.

Only scrape 1 place (driveway) a little worse than it did before. Probably about the same as it did on 35 profile tyres - am on 40 profile now.

No worries with speed humps etc - business as usual on the road

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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

Nah - it's pretty subtle.

If you haven't got any places with a bad scrape at the moment you should be fine. Slight scrapes will be slightly rougher etc

My scrapes are only at the front when heading down a steep driveway - never had anything undercarriage

Will be going back to 35 profile tyres when these are shagged, but don't expect any issues


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