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Pics Of Intercooler Internals


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Yep its a big difference from the Euro tube n fin designs. The Euro are so light with laser welded tubes and offset internal fin structure. You don't have to be Einstein to work out a lighter core will transfer thermal energy faster than a heavy cooler. Just like 2 pieces of ally plate the same size but one 2mm thick and the other 8mm thick, heat them up to same temp and the thinner will cool faster. That's all you want to do is transfer thermal energy from the charge air to atmosphere as fast as possible. Heres another pic of a Euro tube n fin. I have a pic of a core from Denso Europe floating around too I will try and find

Kind regards Jon

I think Jon's comments on weight are right and you want the core to be as light as possible for real world use and want the heat going into the outside air, rather than just stored in the intercooler.

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Have you guys ever sorted the issue of the cooler hanging too low?

Apparently cannot fit original bumper underskirt thing back on (sorry dont knkw what its called) and apparently the whole cooler hangs lower than the bumper.

XR stock height is bad enough and can only imagine how much problems guys with ssl fronts and coilovers would be having, if they use your kit...

PM me if you can cause probably the wrong thread to be discussing this :P

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Thanks for your message we didnt have feedback from the above problem in the past can you please email or send us some photos so we can look in to the issue that you have ? thanks

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yes jakes car had the same problem ,we were unable to fit the bottom black cowling under the front bumper .will take a photo tonight and post later

here is one I had when we fitted the cooler


Edited by gunna
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  • XR50T
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There's a heap of room above it. You'd think they'd come up with a shorter bracket. If the PW stage 3 and plaz 1000hp can fit with the tray in why can't a smaller cooler.

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yes jakes car had the same problem ,we were unable to fit the bottom black cowling under the front bumper .will take a photo tonight and post later

here is one I had when we fitted the cooler


cant believe they didn't design that better. I have this one6a5efeca92a6c77ee028ece7723d9b26.jpg (stigmata's) cooler and my bottom black thing goes on. rethink the kit or mount it so it fits up fine. a1fd8ab9e9b7afa75bd7187173990066.jpg
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  • Member For: 11y 1m 7d
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yes design floors show up very easily , but they can be sorted out .I certainly would hope so .improvements get made all the time to race cars that's why they get faster every year .so

hopefully HDI do the same . with some help HDI could be right up there with the best . they just need a good designer that can see problems before they happen .it just lets the product

down when there are problems like this ,that are so easily fixed before they even release there product to the market . someone gets payed for designing this stuff ,maybe get that guy

to actually fit his own design and see what he thinks of it . he will soon not make the same mistakes again . hire me and I will sort all these problems out in no time lol

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