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Android App "torque" Tips And Tricks ?


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pics of it working please, I have been trying my hardest to find something, the mode 01 pid doesn't work and neither does the mode 22 ford specific pid. However the workshop manuals to mention an EOT sensor and even go on to mention checking the pid, no pid info other than OIL_TEMP...ofcourse

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Company's pay big money to get this information from manufacturers so they are able to manufacture things like dashdaq and scan tools. It wouldn't surprise me if you cannot extract the pid and equation from your device but fingers crossed. It will more than likely be encoded in some way. I have a text file which supposedly contains all the pids from the ford ids software and its virtually useless without decoding.

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  • Member For: 11y 3m
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Well still no progress on oil temp but it has to be possible, as I have mentioned the ford manuals make reference to an EOT and being able to check the pid. Interestingly the mode 22 ford specific pid doesn't work on my ranger either. This information is from ford US so it would seem for some obscure reason ford Australia have used a pid all of their own. And as there is no reason for it to be broadcast on the can to another ecm. It cannot be "heard". It must be requested so we need to know the pid there is no other way.

What im thinking though is if I disconnect the EOT and generate a DTC I can request a freeze frame from when the dtc was generated which will give me the pids that were associated with the Dtc. Atleast narrowing it down.

So anybody know where the EOT sensor is on an fg. As far as im aware the sender on the L.H sise of the block is just a pressure switch.

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