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Android App "torque" Tips And Tricks ?


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Well I noticed eot worked on forscan(windows program) and whilst it was running I could see it was requesting pid 220907. Returning responses at 7E8 04 62 0907 FFFF.

The F's represent the data we want... In hex. Convert that to decimal and then use the appropriate formula and we have EOT. The torque app seems to do hex conversion on its own so working out the formula has been a bit of trial and error. It seems to be given in Celsius so no need for that part of the equation.

So far I have:

PID 220907

Name: Engine oil temp

Short name: EOT

Min/Max 0/150

Scale 1x

Unit: C

Formula: (((A*256)+B)*5)/72

Though I can confidently say that formula is wrong, by a little. About 10 degrees. It changes in sync with forscan but remains out but it's the closest I have gotten.

ZF trans temp is PID 221674 and its just ((A*256)+B)/8 which is in Fahrenheit but torque will convert it if you have your units set to Celsius. It's already in the ford specific pids included in torque, Transmission fluid temperature method 1 or 2. It is also confirmed ad working on other zf equipped fords.

Would really like a laser thermometer to double check this stuff.

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That would be awesome, on the pans should do. For all I know forscan could be wrong. The same pid is used on some f trucks so forscan may have the wrong formula. If I had access to a scan tool that has all this stuff I could just "sniff" the pids from it and maybe use algebra to solve the formulas if I knew the hex value of an accurate temp. A known quantity is key, no good working backwards from a wrong answer.

Can you download forscan aswell and check its reading also. Cause if it is accurate I can work from that.

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Also on tapatalk in my equations it shows +B ) as a stupid fkn smiley face without the space in between the bracket. Sry if thatd the case for u. Hope you know what I mean

And using the appropriate header seems to make guages update a bit quicker. Probably because it requests it from a specific address rather than just putting the request on the can and a module having to realise it is responsible for it and reply. Header 7E0 for pcm and 7E1 for TCM. Modules will always respond with an address 8 decimal higher. 7E8 is a response from pcm and 7E9 is from TCM.

So use header 7E0 for EOT and 7E1 for TFT.

Edited by barnz
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ZF trans temp PID 221674 does not work for me. After driving for 10min it gets to 190 degrees which clearly isn't correct, maybe its still in Fahrenheit but I have tried adjusting the formula and also the made sure the unit was °C but it didn't change anything, might need to have another play with it.

Also I noticed if I try to have more than 1 gauge showing ZF temp (using method 1 and 2 from ford list for example) the temp jumps up to 300+ degrees until I close one of them and then they will drop back to a lower value.

Another one to try for ZF temp is PID 11BD or (2211BD), I found it HERE. I tried this PID and got 60 degrees when clicking Test which seemed the correct temp at the time, but when I tried to add it to the dashboard it would show 190+ degrees instead and I'm not sure why.

I'll have a play with Forscan using my bluetooth laptop tomorrow.

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 10d
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Cause its in f and torque only seems to do the conversion when you add a guage, will always show f in torque scan ect. You could try adding the Celsius conversion to the formula and changing the unit to c. I think -32 * (5/9) needs to be added to the formula at the end. I think... Will need to double check when at home.

That pid you linked is the same as the one I gave. Theres something weird going on with the unit conversion. Sometimes ive noticed torque converting Celsius to Celsius lol... May need to contact the developer

Edit: sorry I just noticed u mentioned pid 2211BD, I had not bothered with it as 1674 was getting responses. Ill give it a go later and see if they even return exactly the same data(they should...) but we are still without a formula for 11BD

Another edit, 2211BD could be the metric unit, seems weird zee Germans would use imperial.

Edited by barnz
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