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Rapid System New Hot Side To Intercooler Does Not Fit

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Yeah mate we all made a few trips down the local auto-one for bits and peices with these kits hehe aint it great? Good job on the usin your noggin though and making it work I applaud ya for it

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its the girlfriend that said you bought it ,so get it to fit.you are not getting another one .so I was forced to get it to fit lol . and also I was not going to give rapid the satisfaction that I had to get another one ,its just that he is to stupid to give the correct parts so that it works the first time .what a dumb *beep* he is ,calls him self a expert .he will get some customer one time that will teach him that his ass hole is not just for sh*tting out of

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

exactly pal 1 day maybe a bikey or somethin will get some parts f*cked around and itll be all over red rover for him lemme tell ya lol

Im never 1 to wish bad things on anyone but if it happens you wouldnt find me shocked that's for sure

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hahaha... I spent 23hrs (my working hours) by myself grinding the fck out of every part on the front of my BA to get it to fit without touching or rubbing on anything nasty!

The kit that I bought worked extremely well for the price and this was back in 2009 if I remember?

I had bought his hot side kit also back then which didn't fit to the IC and I think I ended up using a different short hose to fit and double clamped the thing on just to be safe.

The kit performed well up until a few months ago when I wrote my car off (repairable write off)...

Is the kit worth it? NO and simply because of the man hours to fit PROPERLY and lack of after sale service. If Chris would have fitted it for you if you lived near him then all good as all the things that will go wrong he can fix without the pain to your body and mental state otherwise forget it!

I could have fitted it myself in the garage in 10 drunken lazy hours (with my f*cked back!) but I'd say it would have last a year before something gave out!

In saying all the above though my friends FG has an older PW kit fitted and the hot and cold side both rub on the chassis where its pressed and welded together (those who have seen this area know) and nothing was done to prevent this error such as an extra piece of silicon pipe over the existing piece so it rubs first etc!!!

To each his own though I suppose and Rapid is cheap but with that he is dodgy also...

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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What I dont get is how can you sell a product when it doesnt fit? surely he did R&D to design and make the kits, and you would think youd make sure they fit well before getting them mass produced yeh? could be him, could just be who he is getting them built off. This is why im going to be building and selling this stuff myself very soon. If every one of his kits re the same an dont fit, then fair enough hes a cheap lazy arse. But sometimes You have to give peoiple the benefit of the doubt, especially when work is outsourced. I know he has been given that multiple times, and you should do your own form of quality control ( like I will be ) but I just cant fathom someone that is selling a kit that can be that wrong ( some guys are saying out by 150mm! ) and be in business more than 2 weeks?

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  • loitering with intent
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A new site advertiser ?

any clues on product range , pricing ?

reason I ask you say you are going to build yourself

with your obviously high standard equals expensive IMO

We've all seen Wog coolers and Rapid at the low end.

Additionally PW and Plazmaman have proven products in coolers and piping

Tough market to crack going in.There is a middle ground no doubt

That said what's the hook for the punter?There are lots of critical friends who

need convincing

No doubt you have done your homework

I truly wish you well

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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I can't say much as I'm not an advertiser/sponsor, YET ;)

Plenty of thought has been out into it, more will be revealed when I'm 100%

You are right, it's a tough market but I believe it can still be done cheaper than what is out there now with the same standard as the big guys. Giving myself tough criteria to meet but nothing comes easy ey

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