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Rapid System New Hot Side To Intercooler Does Not Fit

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Arghhh im looking forward to seeing it mate hopefully you can make a decent dent and manufacture performance parts at a profitable rate yet still achieve an affordable price for us average joeblows.

Who knows you could even make 2 variants of the intake 'stealth' (less bend in pipe to create less dose/flutter for the lads who arnt into it and 'aggressive' (much more angle in the bend/yet room to fit) for those of us that like to scare the skirts off sheilas walkin by

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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what about muffler delete,, $200 for something that can be home made for under $50... hows that justified?

That will be availible too. I can undrstand 100-150 when you think they cut and paint the pipe, joiners arent cheap, then hose clamps. You might get away with 50 for sh*te parts, but using australian made and quality its just not feasable as a business to charge 50 bucks. You would lose moneyat that price. But I do agree 200 is steep.

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  • Sucker
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Best of luck with it mate.

There's no doubt a healthy margin in these products, but that's why people take the risk in setting up a business is to get a healthy return. You don't put your balls on the line to just break even.

Also factor in the cost of developing new products or adapting products to suit new models, both PW & Plazma have had to do this at considerable expense which then has to be recovered from future sales. For someone to come along after the hard work has been done and sell something cheaper using their intellectual property or ideas is a bit sad.

As for the whole argument that J@ raised about being able to make something at home for $50, consider buying a steak meal at the local pub. Cost of food on that plate would be about $7 and you're paying $30+ for it. Is that wrong and unreasonable? Staff costs and overheads of a real physical full time business will typically add 60% to the cost of goods before it can be sold at a break-even point.

Don't take this as having a chop - just some honest advice. Many have had the same gripe in the past, nobody has succeeded in making it work. If you want a classic case study then read the thread title for a hint on somebody that has tried (and failed spectacularly) at delivering something good, cheap & quick.

And also find a decent courier company. Whoever this bloke uses are absolutely fcking useless, I'm starting to think they are actually opening packages now and swapping parts out just for shts and giggles. :ermm:

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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You're exactly right and you can bet your bottom dollar that he has gone for maximum profit/minimum outlay.
I don't think a lot of people understand just how much time and effort goes into parts like this. Even a muffler delete.
What width is the pipe?
What angle does it need to be?
How long?
Width of silicon joiners?
Who is going to paint it?
What hose clamps to use?
That's just for 'a bit of pipe and a joiner'

It's not easy and I have quickly worked out there is a lot of time and effort involved in all these parts.
I'm making mine from scratch, so I can truly call them my product. Will be similar to others, but that's because it's probably the best design already so there's not much you can improve on, apart from parts and finish

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  • I <3 Floods
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Just remember.. Everything is cheaper in bulk.. Powdercoating/Purchasing/Tooling.. Will always be cheaper the more you get done at one time..

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Sure is^

The aim initially is to provide a product that is Australian made/affordable/quality.

Hard to nail, but I'm confident. This is still a curiosity business adventure.. I'm still full time with the railways and am trying to also kickstart an elec/data business.

Not doing things in halves haha... Gunna be a busy boy but that's how I like it.

Anyways.. We are trolling this thread pretty hard and I'm definitely pushing my boundaries with the whole advertising/selling side of it.

More will be revealed soon. Hopefully OP gets his piping sorted :)

MA91CK, just copy everyone else's stuff.

Works for Plazmaman.

I don't wana be that guy, I'm making mine from scratch so I can say I didn't copy anyone, it'll be my product and if someone says I copied they can shove it fair up their you know what.

That intake looks good ^^ I don't think like will be 200, but it won't be 1000 either. Using stainless screws, rivnuts, clamps, k and n filters and good silicon all adds up, but like you said it can be done fairly cheaply if you have the skills

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