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G6Eturbo 430Rwks Pte6235


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Got my car back Friday from XFT. My car was at 325rwks with Nizpro cooler,4in Nizpro exhaust and cats,dump,actuator,flapper,1000id injectors etc. Was going to go the GTX35 but changed my mind and went with the Precision 6235,also added race air box and battery relocate,valve springs,twin fuel pumps and surge and ZF tune. I had heard the GTX was laggy from people on here and at a track day from GTX owners. The Precision is awesome, it doesnt seem laggy and it pulls harder and harder right up to 6000rpm. Its the first 6235 Simon had done and it made 430kws on 98. I said before the tune I am happy with 380-390 but he said it wants to make power and 430 is it. I don't know the technical reason with boost,psi etc etc.....he's the expert. I forgot my dyno sheet but I'll grab it and upload it during the week.

Edited by SeduceG6Et67
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Compared to my ported standard turbo I can't see a lot of difference in response but the dyno sheet says its not as quick to spool up but its absolutely nuts how the power comes on and doesn't let off at all unlike the stock turbo which fall flat. I am really impressed,its so quick and the sound is amazing with the race air box. Std ZF for now. I give my car a squirt hear and there but I don't do burnouts or drag the car. Down the track I will go built box and truetrac.

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I see XFT post heaps of results on facey and I think f*ck WA kw > SA kw then you see those cars run the mph. I don't hear too many stories of sh*t blowing up either so either the air over there is something else; cos E85 is rare XFT hace spent lots more time perfecting their 98 tunes or he is just a guru.

Nice number that 430. Be keen to see what boost it's running.

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