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I had to clean my car's terminal leads after putting in the new Optima battery recently. They were pretty scummy and oxidised. Car was freaking out when TC came on at like 5km/h, dash flashing and speedo drops to zero even though I was doing 60. Not starting, radio reading CODE just as if battery was disconnected. Cleaned terminals and leads, all good!

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  • Member For: 15y 9m 18d

I had two optimas crap themselves instantly one time.

Was running two smaller ones in paralell in the boot of my ED, drove home from the city no problems, parked at the night owl to grab some milk on the way home, went back to the car and it was completely dead - not even the central locking would work.

Took them to an optima dealer and they said they'd test them and get back to me.....waited a week, rang them, they said they were waiting on an OK to replace them under warranty...waited another week, they said they'd been sent back to wherever they go for testing....waited another week and they'd "lost" them.

I gave up and bought a sealed lead acid and never had another problem.

Edited by Rollin
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  • Member For: 15y 9m 18d

Lol hell no. The car had been running fine for a couple of months.

I was really disappointed - I'd read they were all fully sick and everything, and I think I paid just under $300 each for them. Boy did my bottom feel violated when they broke.

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