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Stuffed Power Steering Pump?


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Pic will do the talking, Oil sprayed all over the motor in between turbo and power steering pump. Pump is a little noisey but nothing major

I initially thought head gasket but a mate told me it probably isnt and possible power steering pump is on its way out?

if it is what's the best option for a replacement? There's one on ebay that's a reconditioned genuine one for $150 posted, or should I try a low km one off a wreck?


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  • Member For: 20y 9d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: North Jamberoo, NSW

Does your power steering make a funny noise? If so that's what it is. No biggie about $200 I think and easy to change over. I had to replace one in my old BA

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Doesn't look like any of the hoses are in issue but will take a better look

Yea if I run the car it sounds normal then start turning the wheel it makes a noise. The pulley has been a bit noisey in recent times aswell

Nah not enough doughnuts. Car has seen a few powerskids but never seen a doughnut (in my possession anyway)

Cheers Kosij I'll double check its the pump and give them a call monday morning!

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Had a ford mechanic look at it today and he thinks the pump seems to be alright, he thought it's more likely to be the timing case leaking :/

Never heard of that being an issue, is that a common ford problem? It's only the smallest amount of oil because the oil level has never dropped on me

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