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Clutch Issues Please Help


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hahahaha almost bought them. had you bought them, you would be pulling your hair out. ;)

I am in Perth and the reason I asked where you were, was to meet up and you could see the difference in sound.

Good luck and I hope it is the normal clunks from the manual FGs.

Haha all good mate! thanks for the offer.

Ford had it today and said it was completely normal clutch noise. I think I can trust the guy because he's my brother in laws mate and not part of the dealership who offered me my warranty.

Does it have a twin plate? or just the F6?

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Have the same issue on my 08, I couldn't hear it on mine when I test drove it, 3 or 4 weeks later started getting a rattle between 1st and 2nd took it to ford they apparently took the box out, couldn't find anything wrong with it and the computer was then updated....? Upon collecting my car and driving home there was noise coming from every gear change, and other things which have been mentioned here, I got straight back on the phone and they proceeded to say it's a characteristic bla bla, it was a characteristic which wasn't that bad until they had it, I've been trying to sell it for a while now, who seriously would be interested with the sort of racket it makes now, like you also said if driven to the exact rpm when shifting you can eliminate most of the noise, but if I have someone that wants to test drive it, ain't going to work and I would feel guilty not telling someone about it.

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FG Mk2 ute 30 000kms done it since day I bought it. Ford said exactly that it was normal and within tolerances. Just have to tango with the clutch and the gear stick to get the sweet spot to minimise the noise. That said some times its just unavoidable and sounds like S**T!!

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