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Ford Warranty Questions...


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They will do bushes under warranty if they are factory. Get them to put in the newer GT bushes they are a bit better in design. They won't care about the ryco filter either.

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Car went in today. They rang this morning to say they got approval to reseal the timing cover. I forgot to tell them the diff had a slight leak also, so told them on the phone. They called back to say the diff had also been approved to be resealed.
I then asked if they'd test driven the car to check the rear end clunk (diff bush), apparently there was nothing on the mechanic's report about the diff bush yet so really hope that does get changed, otherwise I think I will just swap it for Superpro Comfort bushes or CAT600 bushes.

I doubt they'll sort the rough idle issue though as it can be hard to replicate sometimes, same with the driver's seat squeak. But hopefully a fuel pump, injectors and a tune will sort the idle issue.

Either way I'm happy they're at least doing the timing cover and diff reseal and impressed with the communication so far :)

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I picked the car up this afternoon. They resealed the timing cover and the diff but the diff bush is apparently ok. Also the idle issue and squeaky seat issues could not be replicated.

The only thing that slightly annoys me is I asked to be called if I was going to be charged for anything. They assured me I would not be charged as they would only be doing "work within the warranty", but they charged me $74 diagnostic fee. About $50 for trying to diagnose the idle issue and $20 for the squeaky seat.
I understand that they need to make money and that they didn't get paid by Ford for their time as no issue was replicated but I feel they should have said that from the start.

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I think I'll call another dealership tomorrow and see what they say.

It took me 5 seconds tonight to open the car door and press down on the seat and it squeaks every time lmao.
The passenger side does not do it. So they charged me $20 for diagnostic on something that shouldn't take more than a few seconds and they were wrong anyway. Plus pretty sure they could've tested the seat WHILE they were driving it to check the idle issue so don't see why they charged separately for both LOL.

The idle issue I can understand as it doesn't always do it, and I wouldn't have any problem paying their $50 diagnostic fee if they hadn't specifically told me beforehand I would not be charged anything :rant2:

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If their service team abide by the same standard of ethics as sales then I'm not at all surprised. :pinch:

"Oh no that quote we gave you didn't include GST or stamp duty, you should have been more specific"

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