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Ford Warranty Questions...


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I have a 2011 Ford G6E Turbo. My warranty runs out on the 28th of this month which is the same day the car is booked in.

When I bought the car I had my local mechanic do an inspection and he noted:

-Diff leak
-Oil build up under sump
-Oil weep starting from timing cover

I have also noticed that it occasionally has a rough idle which "seems" to be worse when the fuel level gets low.
It's bad enough that if you let of the brake without pressing the accelerator the car bucks very noticeably.
I've also noticed that the diff bush is fairly noisy when letting off the gas after accelerating and the mechanic said the diff bush had just started to crack.

The logbooks show the car was always serviced at Ford before I owned it. Since I bought the car it has not been due for a service, but I changed the oil (Nulon Fully Synthetic), oil filter (Ryco), fuel filter (Ryco) and the air filter (K&N) as the service intervals are too spread out in my opinion.

What I'm wondering is are they likely to refuse to fix the leak if they see the Ryco oil filter? I can swap the old paper air filter if needed, but I don't want to dump the oil and replace the filter to a Motoguard filter as I only did the change about 3 months or 2,000kms ago. Also I'm hoping they won't blame the rough idle on the Ryco fuel filter as all these issues were existant before changing the oil and filters.

Also the lady that booked the car in said she didn't think they changed suspension bushes as a warranty item but I've read of many people having them done under warranty o.O

Has anyone had any problems like this fixed under warranty while having aftermarket fluids and filters fitted to the car???

Thankyou and sorry for the looong post :)

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:stupid: s

All that should be covered (including diff bushes), stand your ground and have a tantrum if required until they do. Also it's worth noting that as long as you at least have the issues recorded and confirmed while the warranty is current then she's all sweet even if they don't get around to fixing them on the day or dick you around a bit first.

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tab- That's what I would have thought too. But when I called up today to book in the lady first said that they were only doing bookings for next week, which could be a problem as the warranty expires on the 28th.
She had to "check", then came back and said they could book the car in for the 28th.
I thought what you have said would just be common sense, apparently not :ermm: lol.

I should've asked on the phone but, do Ford usually charge an inspection fee or something when a customer is getting an issue checked under warranty?
Just so I know what to expect...

Edited by ***VX*R8***
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No way I'd expect a fee for inspecting a car with new car warranty that has mechanical issues outside of "wear and tear".

I got a brand new turbo and oil line right at the end of my warranty period because it was a little bit noisy. Might have helped that my mechanic (XFT) is the one who made the call and informed them that it was noisy, not sure.

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I would also consider getting your factory warranty extended for another 3 years/100,000kms...as you can still get it extended as long as you do it before the current factory warranty expires.

I did this just prior to my factory warranty expiring, and got the my ford extended warranty...which is a continuation of the normal factory warranty. (It's actually registered with ford head office)

It cost me around $1,900 and I have gotten reasonable use out of it...I'm quite sure it will more than pay for itself considering the FG XR6T chews out the diff bushes like there's no tomorrow.

I have had no problems at all making any type of claims etc...some have also been very trivial like my drivers side window switch light flickering...

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Sounds way better than a third party dealer warranty!

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