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Air Intake

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I just want a louder induction noise, the pod filter suction noise basically. I do like the look of street fighter air box and the car is just my daily. Looking to keep it arguably legal.

I have the PW intake muffler delete, does pretty much nothing sometimes instead of hearing the vacuum cleaner noise you sometimes hear a more crisp turbo note but still pretty quiet.

Edited by FGMKII
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I'd put it down as a little louder.

I wasn't focused on change in induction at time.

I installed for engine bay tidy up.

Recent pic.


Got turbo mod happening soon and going hot side, so will be selling.

Should add it is a PW.

Edited by GeGe6
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Should be interested if you're selling.
Would like a bit more of an induction noise. Love the sound of the car as it is when I get on it a little and can hear a slight high pitched suck/whine from the suction, so if possible would like to enhance that a bit more. Especially if I don't need a retune as I don't have the tool for that as yet.

What're everyone's thoughts on breather kits or the bov vent kits? (similar to those listed in this listing - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/FG-Ford-XR6-Turbo-Intake-Air-Muffler-Delete-BOV-Kit-Breather-TB-Pipe-/171682032367?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item27f90beaef ) Obviously there'll be some people who love it, some who think it's wank.

Are there actual benefits to this other than the sound (not going to just go off what the ad says), and again would doing these small things require a retune or is it safe to put on without any issues?

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I mean I had one in my car for 50-60000km and I could still see through it clearly. The only thing that I did do was remove the bugs and leaves, pollen sh*t with "light" air pressure from inside to out. 30+psi air from a compressor will blow holes in the fabric/paper whatever the fck it is...

I used to laugh at the people who used k&n filters on their small nitro engines in RC racing as their motors were fcked after 5mins of being honed with micro dust... I hope large car engines are different as I've had them on every car I've owned! Foam filters soaked with the special sauce (oil) would be the best imo but would require more frequent cleaning (every 10000km) and replacing as they tap dirty into the foam which no matter how much washing or air blowing you try can't get it out! I'd say 100000km with normal use...

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