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Issues With Wheel Studs

Paolo Sancho

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Very firstly I am not even sure where to post this, either diff's, wheels, or general and I will proceed to explain why.
I have a 2005 BF xr6 turbo ute. I had an issue with the wheel nuts coming off Saturday night whilst driving on the freeway in Brisbane, and my wheel came off. In the process I snapped 1 wheel stud clean, and bent the other 4. I have since tried to read guide after guide but none of them are describing the issue I have. One of the guides I read on here states just to drill a hole in the dust plate and you can tap the studs back through the hole. But in my case, I can completely remove the dust plate but my problem is the anti skid sensor ( at least that is what I think it is ). My studs cannot slide back due to a silver disc behind the studs trapping them in. I have found on an American youtube vid the guy talks about removing the diff cover, and inside the diff is a circlip. Remove the circlip and you will be able to slide the entire left axle shaft out which will have the 5 studs on it. Once fully removing the left shaft you can tap back the studs. Is this correct ? Has anyone ever removed the studs on a 2005 bf xr6 turbo ute ? Any info or help would be much appreciated as I am at a stale mate right now. Here are some pictures of my progress. You can clearly see from different angles how my studs are blocked in.



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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Have a read of the attached PDF mate. Details disassembly of the beam axle rear end. You'll need to remove the axles and ABS tone ring to remove the studs.


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  • Member For: 13y 2m 12d

Thank you very much Ralph. You are an absolute life saver. That guide is gold. May I ask where you got that guide ? I will be doing this tomorrow afternoon. Once again mate, thanks for taking the time to provide that guide and help me out. Very much appreciated. I will try help the forums out and I will take plenty of pictures and reupload a guide if you would like ?

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