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Hope he remembers how to turn right.

In all honesty I think hes going to be eaten alive by the like of whincup, giz, Scotty ect. Crompo said it perfectly, "theres alot of very quick kids now and that category is much more competitive than when you were last in it"

There are also things like, how much racing has he done in the braking area in the last 7 years lol? Sorry but going oval racing after road racing is like a sparky that takes a maintenance job changing light bulbs for 7 years....

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Inside info on 2nd GRM driver for next year?

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Inside info on 2nd GRM driver for next year?

Well the cat is out of the bag now haha

Dave Wall, should make for dynamic combo with Scotty

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Official: Ford out of V8 Supercars!

Ford Australia has confirmed it is pulling out of V8 Supercar racing from the end of the 2015 season.

It will have a reduced commercial arrangement next season with the team currently known as Ford Performance Racing (FPR), but will cease all involvement beyond that.

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Typical.......not surprised......I don't feel anything either way........seen it all before.......just history repeating!

The FPR guys are supposed to be turning up here at work tomorrow doing PR stuff...... Wonder if they'll still come?

Life goes on......sigh.

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Not sure what the go is really, ford didn't need to pull out, they could have ran whatever falcon replacement they had lined up. The Altima is a good example of this. FPR is also a successful team, and what better way to launch a new model? The yanks just don't want to spend the coin IMO.

All this "falcon and Late model camira are dead so v8 supercars future is uncertain"

Erm wat? Pretty sure they saw all this coming long ago hence the changes that have seen the category become more competitive and exciting than ever. Rules that allow anybody to play basically as long as you make something with 4 doors and have a v8 you can pluck from somewhere in your lineup, I believe the Altima's engine is based on the Patrols v8.

Than there is the popularity of the category which extends world wide.

Some examples I found in 5 seconds:



Nah things are going terrible, the category is moving forward and by pulling out I feel like ford is choosing not to, atleast ford is an internationally recognised brand unlike holden, as international popularity grows and the focus shifts that way, there will be little prestige in beating a Holden...

Think im just being a fan boy? Its already recognised as the number 1 touring car category in the world and has been granted international status by the FIA allowing up to 6 international races a year... It is only my opinion but I think from its humble beginnings its set to become the international stage for touring car racing...one day, it's still quite a young category compared to the like of f1, its international popularity has only come about in the last decade, and international events(nz doesn't count...) have only been over the last few years.

Other things that sh*t me is the whole tv deal thing, really dumb move ratings wise IMO. I looked into foxtel, and just so I can watch v8 supercars its like 55 bucks pm min and that's just a sports package and one sh*t genre package.

Massive fail.

The name change gear moving forward with the international focus well I dont know... It could have a better name I guess but I think the bigger picture is no more v8's. Which is kind of sad and instantly makes me loose a little interest. If they they went high tech turbo 6's of atleast 3.5l displacement id still be down though. But like f1, it will have lost its soul...the sound...

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Weren't they just providing funding to one team anyway?

Most of the teams get no factory funding yet still survive. So it doesn't necessarily mean there will be no Fords.

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Correct Tab but factory backing and commitment is important. Have a look at Nissan/Volvo vs Mercedes for example. Erebus haven't enjoyed the early success that nissan and volvo have, largely because they are doing it on their own, and wont be as of next year from what I've heard, so there you have it no more Mercedes. If you want your brand to be successful in the eyes of potential customers and fans then you need to back it.

Not every team can have a sponsor with cash like redbull who probably have more coin to commit to this kind of sh*te than the factory teams.

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