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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 22d
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  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

I'm no doctor but I would suggest seeing your GP and ask him to check your lungs... 1mg smokes would be/is enough to have an effect coz I bet that those smokes have the same amount of every other chemical that the full strength smokes have.

Mate I'm 50 and would be the most unfit person you've ever seen but changing to these things has stopped me coughing, walking around the shopping center makes my knees hurt before I run out of breath and even though my teeth are fairly stuffed - the nicotine stains have gone


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  • Member For: 10y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Shellharbour NSW

WTF, toothpaste sticks?????

You gotta be sh!ttin me, LOL!

I've tried the nico mints and chewy but I think it's the act of putting a ciggy in your mouth and taking a bit of timeout.

When I do give up for a while the poor old dog gets a bit neglected cause when I'm out the back having a puff she gets a little bit of attention .

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

Understand the dog bit.........was exactly the same here until she died - of cancer ffs - she never smoked a day in her life

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  • WOT?
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I think he was meaning the 1mg alpines :P

Easiest startup kit I can think of:

Cartomizers (get 5) - 1.8ohm

Replacement coils for the cartomizer (get 10) - 1.8ohm

Battery - get at least 2 - 1 for using, 1 for charging. The can charge while being used via USB

Juice - take your pick at flavours and strengths most suggest 18mg nicotine content to start on (doesn't relate directly to the numbers on cigarettes)

You'd may want to try lower. I'd start high and work lower if it was me - starting too low could send you back onto the ciggies (if it's the nicotine that keeps you on them)

If you think it's more the act/misses that is keeping you on them than the addiction to nicotine then a lesser amount may be good for you.

Menthol would probably be a good starter for you - maybe get a 18mg, 6mg and a 0mg - that way you'll be able to finetune the nicotine levels to something you're happy with.

Depending how much you use the unit you can go through anything from 5mls a week to 30+mls a week so make sure you order enough not to run out until you work out your levels.

Grab a few different flavours to try as well - I love the mints and the fruits

That kit should come in under $100 and give you a couple of months worth of hardware and however much juice you use.

Once setup like this juice and replacement coils should only cost you a few dollars a week to keep going.

The above are all from a chinese site I use - need to buy the nicotine juice overseas - postage takes about a week.

I now get just double strength unflavoured nicotine juice from them and mix my own flavours which I buy in oz

If I wasn't after nicotine juice I'd be getting the same as above, but from Juice Whore where I get my flavours from.

I usually buy hardware from whichever store I'm buying juice from - keeps postage lower.

Am only suggesting the above shops because they are the ones I've been using for 3 years - other people will probably suggest others, but they work fine for me.

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  • Member For: 10y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Shellharbour NSW

Thanks for that great info Cpt Obvious, I'm gonna dive in and give them ago.

The flavour choice sounds good because funnily enough I don't actually like the taste of ciggies, especially the after taste. I usually have to have a drink or chewy or a lolly with a smoke.

Cheers again.

P.S. Yeah I should have got the alpine joke, I always cop crap for smoking girls cigarettes.

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  • Member For: 10y 9m 27d
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Ok just put in an order for the stuff suggested by Cpt Obvious.

Sorry BenDoCo for some reason I just got that first post.

I have read studies that say people smoking lite cigs are more at risk of lung cancer than those that smoke full strength.

This is because they tend to draw lites in to their lungs deeper which I tend to agree with, having smoked both strong and lite. They also smoke more as well which I agree with.

I was off the smokes for 6 months while the missus was still smoking. Her Alpines were never a temptation for me cause I didn't like them and they never gave me a hit. If I ran out I of my stronger smokes I still wouldn't smoke hers.

Anyhow 6 months went bye and not a smoke....6 months!!!

And then one day after a particularly good surf I thought I'll just try one of hers( I always enjoyed a smoke after a surf) that was it I was hooked again but this time on bloody menthols!

Stupidest thing I've ever done!

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 10m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

Mate as you, and in fact anyone (with half a brain) that is addicted to anything can testify - the addiction is still there even after 'x' amount of time of not using it (whatever it is).

The addiction is just sitting there - on your sholder - waiting for the best oportunity to get into your head to manipulate your way of thinking and before you know it, you're back to old habits.

I am sure that you - like most of us - know someone that shows the traits of being an addict (anything from smoking, alcohol, drugs, driving fast......hehe, chocolate or even some peoples need to have the final say in a conversationn (argument)) and if you ask them, the majority would say,

"I don't have a problem with it - it's not a problem" - "I can stop whenever I want" or my favourite "I'll give up 1 day but right now, I enjoy it".

So don't beat yourself up about having a smoke 6 months later...........at least you could see when it happened and are doing something about it.

What flavor juices did you order?

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  • Member For: 13y 4m 12d
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I eneded up ordering some stuff today... evod starter kit along with poprcorn and mary jane e juice.

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