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The Vapers Thread


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Voluntarily breathing anything into your lungs that isn't air, and hopefully good air at that has to have a negative effect.

I just dont understand smoking. But I'm lucky, I did smoke at 16 to impress a girl thankfully I never got the bug.

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  On 27/06/2014 at 2:08 AM, tab said:

...breathing ultra-fine particles in to your lungs.

Shits based on anti-freeze so it cant be that good for you.

It's just 'better' than the alternative for those of us with an addictive nature, its gotta be better than these cow pats I'm suckin on atm. :sick:

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True Dags.

It was 7:30, not current affair or that other crap that's now cancelled anyway I think?

It was fairly balanced but inconclusive as nobody really knows, gist of it being that "big tobacco" wants to keep people conditioned in to the habit of smoking so are all for it.



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Cheers tab for the links

Remember when I was a kid, the grandma used Glycerine for everything from cleaning hands to helping to ease a sore ear but have no idea what Glycol was used for.

I think - really not sure here....hoping more than anything I guess - that the Glycol in these (Proplene) is a bit different to Ethylene Glycol that is in coolant Dags

Edited by BenDoCo
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  • WOT?
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Smoke machines in pubs and primary school discos too :)

Thing to remember though - it's food safe etc - common ingredient in lots of edible stuff

That doesn't take into account any changes or effects it can have when breathed into the lungs as a vapour

My take on it is - smoking was slowly killing me - 100%

I've replaced smoking with something that I consider (at the moment) to have minimal long term effects - would take some pretty big ones to be discovered to make it anything other than a positive switch

Sits now in my "care factor" health concerns somewhere with mercury in tuna, caffeine, red wine, saturated fats, heavy metals and the ozone layer.

Sure - stopping completely would be perfect, but so would not exceeding the speed limit, crossing the road only at the lights and refusing to fly anyone other than Qantas - it's stopping me from going back to the ciggies and that's good enough for me at this point

Edited by raband
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G'day, I've been reading thru this thread and you guys have me intrigued with these fake ciggies.

I've got a few questions though,

Do you get a hit with them?

I only smoke Alpine fines( 1 mg I think) at the moment so I don't need much of a nico hit!

How do they compare cost wise with the real thing?

Do you get some lung capacity back?

I'm turning 50 this year and I surf, play Oztag and do a bit of Enduro riding and I'm struggling with fitness big time!

But I do enjoy a smoke and have given up a few times but it makes it hard when the missus is also smoking which is why I'm on the Alpines, used to smoke full strength Peter Styvo's.


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The hit you get is up to you - you choose the strength, from zero nicotine to putting winnie reds to shame

Costs me maybe $10-$20 a week compared to $150+ smoking. That's well over $20k I haven't spent on ciggies since I switched

Same effect as not smoking at all as far as fitness is concerned as far as I can tell - you'll start getting worn out long before you get out of breath before too long

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Sounds good, will have too give them ago.

It's mainly the breathlessness that gets me ( as well as hip pocket) , I notice a big difference after only a 2 week break off the smokes!

Thanks, any particular brand you can recommend or are they much the same?

Thanks again.

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