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The Vapers Thread


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Yeah looks like they want to crack down on the sale of them especially if they resemble a cigarette. There is a huge amount of stuff to choose from on the market... Looking at buying from Australia to save some time. I'll check out that juice whore website as they seem to have a some cool stuff

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  • WOT?
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You can't buy the nicotine juice from Australia - same as the disposables you've been trying - 0 nicotine

If you want juice with nicotine you need to get from overseas (China or America are the usual ones)

I usually do a big order of juice from China with some hardware (fill up the postage amount) to save on maximise what I get for what I pay in postage and in between the big orders I buy local.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I am addicted to pepsi max lads so I dont think of you blokes as my lesser for being smokers, just sayin

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I was a smoker for about 5 years... not a long time but have been off them for a year now. Only recently have I picked up vaping, it seems like a guilty pleasure and I feel like it's not doing me any favours but it's certainly doesn't feel as bad as a ciggie. Really enjoy it sitting in heavy traffic !

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  • Sucker
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Two and a half years for me.

In the end what did it was me actually deciding that it was a stupid farkin thing to be doing. All the years of friends and family carrying on about it had no effect, if anything it probably just made it worse.

Was never a heavy smoker anyway and wasn't classed as addicted (which is/was over 20 per day or something), and just went cold turkey. I think changing habits associated with it was the key.

And still to this day I'm finding lighters around the place...as a smoker I could never bloody find one when I needed it though.

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  • loitering with intent
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I faltered, though I have saved hundreds in the past few weeks alone

another 12.5% increase hit on the sticks come Tuesday.

A little birdie tells me WOW and Coles are investment buying big time ATM

As a consumer it will probably add up to $20 a ctn. This will make some

smokes nearly a $1 each

Suck it or chuck it. Ridiculous and stupid habit, makes no sense as Lord Tabby


As I said previously ,Booze as a precursor drug will need to go as well

Here we go again expect some fiercer than normal rantings :ermm:

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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