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Gtx3582 Or Gtx3576 On A G6Et


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From what I read the GTX3576r is only good for 350rwkw, I think that's all the member Stigmata here was able to get out of it and reasonable boost levels, seems not too much for a 30rwkw gain considering price, but all depends how it makes the power across the rev range.

My choice was either going to be a Precision PT6235 or GT3576r, leaning toward the GTX3576r but cant find too much results as not many people run them.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Depends what you're trying to build. The way the smaller turbo makes it's power is what makes it quick point to point. Plenty have extracted near 350 on E85 with the stock GT3576R. We already have a least one run a 10 second pass. The GTX version has the benefits of 4" inlet, billet wheel and .60 cover.

Edited by Bomber
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I was only ever chasing about 370-380rwkw with a bit more top end as mine at 325rwkw is really responsive but doest have the balls higher up in the rev range. After seeing what a GTX3582 and the Pte 6235 can do and talking to the guys im going to see Simon tomorrow and will be steering towards the 6235. Thanks heaps to all the people for their input. Muchly appreciated.

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This post by bomber in another thread really lays it out for me, in all applications besides the strip the smaller options for the turbo 6 are going to be better.

And right there is the common theme we're now seeing. It's really interesting when you get on track and test the car against those with bigger turbos making more power. If they pack big numbers, most of the time they just break into a powerskid and you chop them. No I can't do that and it looks cool, but point to point I'm going faster. Cars I've run with GTX3582R's that actually hook up, take pretty much all of the front or back straight of QR to catch me. Even then, they only dust me by a car length or two. Through the paperclip - nup. By the time they come on boost and really get motoring, we're braking into the corner - me in front.

I will most likely never have a 400rwkw chart or see 130mph at the drags. I set out to build a tourer and stout street car. I'm still of the view that a GTX3576R will give me that :)

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just wondering about the gtx3576r. what power could I see.

would I require a surge tank or would the walbro run enough fuel for the gtx. I love the way the turbo spools up on my fg but I want more. 3582 would be good but I'm all street driving and a daily. still havent put it down the 1/4 still wanting to see what I can get.

Edited by BiZkets
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Give me around 2 weeks and I will have some numbers for anyone else wondering about the 3576.

I don't think 400 on E85 is out of reach but I guess we will see soon enough.

I would be going a surge for that biz just to be safe

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350-380 on 98? According to the manufacturer they are supposed to be capable of 600 hp, depending on how you do the Maths that would work about maybe the 340 - 350 mark

My bad thought I heard they were making up to 380, maybe that was on e85

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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The other thing to consider also is just about everyone that has fitted a GTX3582R has hurt their ZF and valve springs are pretty much mandatory. So, pencil in another 4k. Not saying you couldn't snap an input with the little turbo, or up spec GTX version, but it's less likely. Also, you don't need as much fuel either with the little combo.

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