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Gtx3582 Or Gtx3576 On A G6Et


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Hi guys,just a little update as to where the car is at with the PT6235. Car went in for a built ZF,trans cooler,over boost valve,Harrop truetrac-diff bushes and a strengthened driveshaft. The car made 432.9rwkw up from 423 with a little more in the mid range as well. Im hearing lots clunks and a bit of drone now which I'm not happy about but it seems common from reading other posts on diff bushes. The gear box on downshifts are not smooth,more noticeable when using manual mode. When I change down its like it goes into neutral then back into the selected gear. So if I'm at say 2500 revs the change down to 2nd as I'm slowing revs drop right down then back up to say 3000 which is very jerky and not nice. Its been like that for a few months since I had the new turbo and ZF tune,I thought the rebuild and retune would fix it. Simon is trying to sort it. Has anyone else experienced this. I will up load a pic of the dyno. Thanks in advance.

When I had my ZF built had the same problems with clunks. Slowing down, slow speed change from 3rd to 2nd at 20kmh (most people incorrectly misinterpret this as the 2nd to 1st change) was a very loud, jolting, metallic thud. Got better with time. Numerous ZF tunes did nothing.Neither did trying various ZF fluid brands. Problem was hardware related. Manual changing at the circuit and street was perfect though.

Just gradually learned to live with it. By product of the extra strength I guess. Mine had a cryo input shaft and extra clutch plates put in.

Re: the GTX3576 turbo. I agree. GTX3582 is far too laggy for my needs. I.e. Daily driven circuit car.

However, I'm actually gong with an 11 blade billet wheel put onto my GT3576 next week in the 0.50 housing. Should be good for around 380-400 on E70. More than enough for my needs, and I'll probably end up using a lower boost 350-380rwkw tune most of the time.

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Still haven't tuned my gtx3576r in a .82 housing setup yet. Getting close though, fitted crow valve springs and think I've sorted my boost control by getting the wastegate port shaped.

Drove a manual F6 Tornado today that was 100% stock. The response from the turbo compared to my cars turbo is night and day. Mine just comes on so quick. Not the fairest comparison as I've got plenum, turbo side and full exhaust but it's real world result.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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This might be the best place to put this I reckon....

A quick comparison of the GT turbo on my car http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/88536-the-bendoco-limo-long-lots-of-pics/ against the GTX3576 that is fitted to the Stigmata car http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83988-g6et-first-tune/

First up I have to thank Stigmata for allowing me to take his car for a drive. Much appreciated.

Pit Lane did all the mods for my car included ratters excellent port and flapper job and the little turbo comes on really strong with 15psi but by the time it reaches approx 5200 0r 5400rpm, that "throw you back into the seat feeling" is all gone. With the normal amount of lag that I'm sure you all are aware of, the little turbo for what it is, is awesome but if like me, you have had your tuner max out the baby snail and you want a bit more without going crazy, then I can highly suggest the GTX3576.

The Stigmata car has (opposed to mine) turbo side, (bla bla bla...go read his thread coz too much to list here) and his huge cooler up front. He had E85 in it today and I jumped in and just cruised up to 60kmh for a bit - you know - normal driving, and then let her have it.

Back to 2nd she went and just like my car it threw me back into the seat (well, maybe a bit harder) but unlike my car, once it hit the top of the revs before it selected 3rd, I was still stuck to the back of the seat.

3rd to the top was exactly the same. The little GTX had me planted. There wasn't any of that 'I'm out of breath' feeling with it what so ever. I just kept pulling and pulling.

With the lag, well there was absolutely no difference with the GTX to the standard snail .

In another thread a few days back, Ralph put a link up for me to the GTX3576 which is on special atm. Thnx mate http://www.sonicperformance.com.au/SPECIAL-803714_dash_5001S/Garrett-GTX3576R-Ball-Bearing-Turbocharger/pd.php

No idea how long this special will last but bang for buck - value for money wise - I think that the GTX3576 would be a fantastic upgrade if you have maxed the standard turb, want some more killowatts but don't want to run the risk of having extra lag.

In fact, I reckon that I might just go and buy one.

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^ looks like I need to go for a ride in a baby GTX car, so many people praising it. With the stock fg turbo I never got beaten on the street. These days with the big gtx I dont even bother, I have no chance from a stand still.

Does the GTX3576r spool faster than the precision 6235?

If you're ever in Sydney, I'll take you for a ride in my car, the GTX3582r takes the "throw you back into the seat feeling" to a whole new level

Edited by sct911
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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In fact, I reckon that I might just go and buy one.

Quoting myself -- -- yeah that's classy isn't it.. lol

Yep, just went down to Adelaide and bought one. :)

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  • 4 years later...
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Hi Guys, lots of talk about gtx3582 turbos, what about the gt35r supercore? has anyone put one of those in their stock fg turbine housing? how is the response compared to stock fg turbo and how much kws will it make with supporting mods?

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