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Ba/ Bf Ecu Tuning Questions

eff xr6t

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Hey guys new to the xr6 turbo tuning side of things so got a few questions that I'm sure some of you will know the answers to

Firstly I'm planning on putting a bf xr6 turbo motor into my el xr6 and plan on running the bf ecu standalone but the motor I plan on running doesn't have an ecu with it so my question is are all ba/bf ecu's the same like can I load a bf turbo tune into a non turbo ecu will it function or is there more pins on a turbo ecu or something that will not allow it to work.

Second question is probably a stupid question but I plan on using a SCT xcal tuner to tune the bf ecu and I have found one second hand for $500 locally so can they be used multiple times on different cars? and are they the only way to tune the bf ecu or is there other ways to do it?

Sorry for what seems like stupid questions but I'm used to running an aftermarket ecu in my el xr6 ATM and don't really know much about the B series electronics tuning side of things.

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You could possibly look at HPT for tuning. No hand controller involved with that one. The SCT tuner can be used on 5 vehicles one at a time. Vehicle has to be returned to stock before it can be unlocked for another.

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To answer the rest of the question that the other guys missed, the BF ECU is a better ECU if you have the option between the 2. As far as I'm aware a BA generic tune won't load onto a BF because they are a different ECU.

I'm assuming you are getting a generic tune so you can get it to a dyno and have someone do a real tune on it for you

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Ah thanks for that guys so I could get a bf n/a ecu and then get a generic bf turbo tune loaded into the ecu via a SCT xcal so that I can just start the car and check for leaks and everything then take it to my tuner and throw it on the Dyno.

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  • Member For: 11y 11m 7d
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Ah thanks for that guys so I could get a bf n/a ecu and then get a generic bf turbo tune loaded into the ecu

Noooo I don't think that's the case with them n/a and turbo are different model ECU. You're gonna wanna get the turbo ECU then load your tune into it.

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