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Pwr Heat Exchanger Or Air To Air In Zf


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  • Member For: 14y 1m 24d
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Mine got done by a proper transmission shop and it took a full liter to fill, done at the right temp. All up 943, about 180 for install and fluid top up and I just got them to order the pwr exchanger. Seen some guys payin 700-800 for oil to air.

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 26d
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I was dead set on getting a heat exchanger but called Bruce Heinrich and was talked out of it for a trans cooler. Going to go with his advice and get the cooler installed. They said they've been installing them for a long time and on race falcons too and never had one come back with an issue. Was good enough for me, and cheaper too.

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  • Member For: 11y 10m 21d

for those who got the PWR kit, have you noticed an increase in trans temps?

ive been keeping an eye on mine and it hardly ever hit 100deg with the stock heat exchanger (mostly 90 to 98ish even in summer)

but since switching to PWR recently, ive noticed temps are higher by around 10 degrees. I managed to hit 105deg with a few squirts and some highway driving the other night and the weather wasn't warm either

im using the torque app to monitor temps for both the stock and PWR heat exchanger and haven't changed any settings on that

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  • Member For: 11y 10m 21d

Yeah I know. There was even another guy here that datalogged the pwr unit and stock heatexchanger back to back using the same app I'm using for temps.

I suspected I'd lost a fair bit of coolant when the pwr kit was installed and when I changed my thermostat a few months back so I've been topping up with more concentrate.

Since then trans temps have gone a bit lower but not by much. Last run today it hit 102deg after some short bursts and a bit of traffic then dropped back to around 98deg then slowly back up to 100deg constant after cruising it when I got on the highway

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  • Member For: 11y 10m 21d

No just a standard thermostat. Will have to get under the car to check the lines but all seemed OK when CMS did the install. I watched them do the entire install and refill

Does anyone else with a PWR kit know what temps theirs sits at when up to full temp?

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  • Member For: 11y 10m 21d

I normally use the water gauge on the dash but will also make a gauge in torque so I can get an exact temp.

Off the dash water gauge it sat just above the notch to the left of the halfway marker, same as stock.

But I did notice the water temp rose slightly yesterday when it hit 105deg and also went down when the trans temp dropped

Could it still be the coolant mix ratio isn't quite right?

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