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Rage 3" Catback On Fg Xr6T...waste Of Time Or ?


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Standard cat back wont be any louder after a tune under normal driving conditions but will be a little bit louder under WOT Because you will be making more power. If your going to upgrade your exhaust at least go 3.5inch or twin 2.5inch at a minimum .

For me I like the volume of the exhaust to match the performance of the car.

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Hmmmm....really? I thought I read somewhere that high flow cat + more boost means louder exhaust?

And yeah maybe it's just the fact that 3" isn't any better than stock system? Even though it would seem like it should be slightly better? Maybe I won't stinge out and just pay the extra $200 for the xforce 3.5 single catback....was also considering twin 2.5 with quad tips plus s/s mufflers for just under 1k delivered...but once again that is like 2.5 times more expensive than this 3" option.....goddam my stinginess!@!@! Lol

Maybe I will just keep saving then :(

Plus I read xforce is like the quietest aftermarket exhausts available lol

And barely louder than stock? Except at WOT I assume...

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Im running a 4inch dump and cat with standard cat back exhaust. From inside the car I don't notice any real difference when driving normal. But if im giving the car hell the exhaust is louder but probably more noticeable from the outside of the car. Put it this way if there is an ve ss with an exhaust next to me accelerating I cannot hear my car at all , well that's until I've walked away from it and I can enjoy my quiet exhaust again.

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Lol @ the walking away from ve ss ;)

See idk I feel like I would enjoy a loud exhaust for a while lol but then again it might piss me off after a while

Also you have the xforce dump/cat pipe? Is you car lowered? If so what springs? I will be running ssl kings all round (maybe buy sssl rears one day) and think I read somewhere that the bottom of dump pipe can scrape over speed humps, etc.

Did you modify it as I read you can cut and re-weld it to make it shorter and therefore not scrape??? Or are you using a different brand?

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  • Dropping a turd
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Once you come on a cruise then you WILL know everyone. We are all friendly, and can give advice on mods and even show and you can hear exhausts. Dont worry about having a stock car, no one cares.

We have a lot of FUN on our cruises, stop alot and talk sh*t. And the occasional :launch:

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Yeah cheers aaron!

I will probably have to make it to the next one then ;)

It will be cool to see all the super modded cars...I just get paranoid of coppers and booze buses (for no reason of coarse.....) lol

I will have to just go by myself I think. ..the mrs hates it when I do WOT driving ... pretty annoying really cause I don't know why she gets so scared for? Imagine what will happen when I actually have decent power :P

So you agree with everyone else that 3" catback is a waste of time & dollars? Especially from a relatively no name brand :/

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  • Dropping a turd
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Yep give the 3 inch the miss.

Most of the time on cruises we stick to the speed limit and road rules

But yep must keep a lookout for the cops

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  • To Loud
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Peter you really need to get out and stop writing esays on here.

If you did make a cruise, I bet you that you wouldn't be the only one with a stock car. There are a few others that do attend with stock cars like Lennox.

We are all friendly and I promise we all have a spare butt plug a moto-x bike muffler plug.

You already have a cat, why not put that in and keep the exhaust stock as I did.

Just get the other supporting mods like Intercooler, injectors and tune.

Hat should see you get close to 300 if not more.

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Yep too true hey Arron...hahaha! ;)

I posted a comment along these lines not too long ago...when dealing with exhausts we care about cross section area, so how big the pipes are that let the gas out. Remember back to school and how to measure area of a circle... Area of circle = Pi x R2. So 3.14 x the radius x the radius - per pipe!

That gives you these numbers assuming I didn't make a typo in the calculator:

3" exhaust
3.14 x 1.5 x 1.5=
7.065 square inches

Stock system - 2x2.25"
2x 3.14 x 1.125 x 1.125=
7.948125 square inches

2x 2.5"
2x 3.14 x 1.25 x 1.25
9.81 square inches

3.14 x 2 x 2=
12.56 square inches

2x 3.14 x (1.5x1.5)
14.13 square inches

...it could be pointed out that twin pipes have more internal surfaces even for identical overall flow thus more friction and lower performance but from what I've gathered it is not that big of a deal at our level of air flow. Also assuming the pipes are mandrel bent (smooth internal corners of same diameter as straight sections)...cheapies might be a straight pipe just bent to shape which makes nice creases inside and hurts flow. Like blowing through a straw you folded instead of using a proper bendy elbow one :)

With suitable twin cats a twin 2.5" system will be good for 400rwkw but will be holding things back at this stage a little. The dump and cats are just as important as exhaust if you are chasing performance increases.

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 1m 8d

Im running an advanced headers dump and cat , it does sit lower than standard . It would be possible to modify it so it would sit higher but my car is standard ride height and I don't plan on lowering the car.
For me personally I can't see much point in upgrading my cat back exhaust while I still have the standard fg turbo. Im not really interested in making a heap of noise and going slow lol.

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