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Fg Turbo Ute Tuning / Mods / Stock Exhaust


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Hey Guys, - just interested in all your experiences / comments on the following:

I have a 2013 mk2 FG XR6 TURBO UTE with Luxury Pack (Black of course :imsohappy: )

Didn't exactly have and cash to spare on it, so have done minimal mods.

First thing I did was a Herrod performance airbox. Gain was minimal, most change in the noise.

Next thing I did was remove the restrictive ring after the cat. Again minimal gain, no difference in noise.

Decided to go for a flash tune, even through I was sure I would never do it until I ran out of warranty - I ended up getting a generic tune from Intune Motorsports in Sydney sent down to me preloaded into a device paired to my car.

After the 14psi tune was loaded up successfully, car is much better. Has heaps more power down low speeds - at 0-100 especially. This tune also removes the pop on change (its a ZF), which I did like, however it now lurches fwd on change instead of pausing, so this is a plus for pace. (Also great for power skids, as on a cold morning, you can nail it, wheel spin through first, which is intensified on the change and this goes for a good amount of time through second... just something about hanging it out in a straight line without the brakes.. :yeahyeah:

Once I get up to midway through 3rd... full throttle, it sounds quite rough... still a consistent motor note, just a vibrating kinda roughness through the whole car - I have no idea wha is causing this?? Perhaps running out of injectors? - I know custom tune is the way to go but I wont be doing that for quite some time. Has anyone else experienced this??

On the exhaust, I hate loud cars when just cruising around, so haven't touched it yet... I might do the cat one day... just hafta see.... because Utes sound crap stock... the sedans are way better... guess its just the shorter/single pipe?...but its a no comparison.

In the way of drags... main story is with my mates BF XR6 TURBO SEDAN... has full exhaust, injectors, custom tune etc... 297rwkw.... I gave him a good run.... pulled ahead off the mark... and continued to crawl slowly away the whole way to 180kmph - on a private strip. So not too sure what mine would have... maybe around 300?... seems weird, as dyno's all vary, but I dont think mine has a less as 250rwk... which some people claim are the figures after just a flash tune and intake.

Glad of all your comments / ideas for what I should do!

O and also I have 4 pot brembo's being fitted at the moment... needing to use 17mm spacers to clear the 19 inch luxury wheels.


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if you can't afford to do things right, you probably don't have the funds to be able to fix it, I would go back to standard until a time comes that you can do it correctly

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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Mate custom tune is a must

Too many cars have blown up from their generic tunes

Don't mean to be alarmist but get it fixed asap

Saving a few hundred now doesn't warrant the thousands when she goes "pop"

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Thanks for the recommendations guys.... I had wondered this.

Do you's think the custom will get rid off this or do you think it also could be an issue needing more fuel (injectors)?

I think I will return to stock, and wait until I have injectors and a cat before I get a custom tune... however I am worried about the pipe's splitting... does this happen very often? And how important is it to be attended to?

Cheers for all your help.

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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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Sounds like a issues with the tune

Turn it back to stock man

Don't hesitate to do it

And then get a tuned by a reputable shop

You won't find anything good about Pingtune on here

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1st thing is to get it checked out, so the problem can be identified.

If problem is ruled down to the tune, get the car retuned.

Then tell the people who sold you the mail order tune to refund you.

Edited by Z2TT
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  • Member For: 11y 17d
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  • Location: Victoria.... South Eastern suburbs

Hey Fella's... thanks for the replies... im gonna go get it re-tuned as soon as possible...although it probably wont be for a while.

What's the cheapest that reputable tuners will do a custom run for?... obviously I have the device already.

Also, in what order should I consider doing the following additional modifications - cooler pipes, high flow cat, injectors.

Look forward to your advice,


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