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Boost Leak From Intake And Exhasut. Loud Spooling Noise


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  • Member For: 11y 6m 11d


I have an auto BA xr6 turbo with 200,000Km on it.

it has 2 issues that I believe are leaks.

It has had the first since I bought it. Whenever accelerating hard and reving hard (~4k +) it makes what I would describe as a howling noise, sounds like its from the exhaust. I revomed the turbo and installed new studs and gaskets between dump-turbo-manifold and block but it didnt help. I have also checked and tightened other exhaust flanges down the system.

The second noise is a 'whizzing' type of noise that I would say is a boost leak on the intake side. It made a similar noise once when it popped a line off the intercooler, however this time I cannot find the leak. I have removed the crossover pipe and checked the throttle body rubber, also taken the pipe off the presssure side of the tubo and replaced the clamp to no avail. My only other thought is leaking at the intercooler as the car hit a roo that required new radiator and condensor.

My only other thought is turbo failure? there seemed to be a bit of shaft movement in the turbo when I pulled the intake pipe off.

Also the tubo has a GCG badge on it so I am hoping it has been rebuilt sometime in its life.

Another problem with the car is under heavy acceleration it will missfire badly, sounding almost like the traction control is kicking in. It is also similar to when my coilpacks failed, but I have fitted new genuine coils and plugs About 20,xxxkm ago. It usually does this 3500-4000 rpm, but not every time. If I keep my foot down it will get stuck on that rpm for 1-2 seconds before continuing to accelerate.

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How long have you had the car and how long has it been suffering from the symptoms? Is it a factory spec turbo? How's the actuator?

It sounds like it might be over boosting and cutting power as a result.

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  • Member For: 11y 6m 11d

I have had the car approx 12 months, it had a similar noise once before and I found it to be a boost leak near the intercooler, now it has developed again after I hit a kangaroo (im sure the intercooler is not leaking).

I found if I stall it up I can look under the bonnet while its making the noise and it really seems to be coming from around the turbo/exhaust manifold

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