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Braided Lines


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  • To Loud
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This is awesome news that two of you have confirmed that you received your goodies.

I did not hear from the rest of the crew and so I am assuming that you have received your goodies.


That being said, how many of you have actually installed the braided lines?

Can I get some feed back from you guys.


I have had the braided lines installed on Thursday by Monsta Torque. To be honest I was expecting leaps and bounds in feel between the old setup and the new one.

But to be fair, I doubt you would feel that much difference.


Let me see if I can explain it better. Before getting the braided lines put in, the brakes felt like they would only kick in at the bottom of the pedal travel and the pedal felt spongy.

Spongy in the sense the the point of when the brake made contact(you can feel the car starting to slow down) and then point of when the brake actually started to brake hard( you feel that the brakes is actually biting) was like 5-7 cm.

The distance traveled by the pedal was quite a bit.


With the braided lines installed, the distance the pedal travels now is like 2/3 cm. It really does not travel that far now which is great. no longer feeling spongy.

The other thing that got installed was the brake pads, which was installed by accident as I didn't want it installed. I really wanted to get a feel as to the difference that the braided lines would make.

However with the change in pads, the brakes now have quite a bite to it. it feels like my wife's Focus does. it just wants to bite and brake right away.

Not like it was before.


I had to actually think about how the brakes feel now to realize the difference. it is not something you would feel out of the blue.

Essentially I am happy with the setup as is, but I have to get the rotors put in this coming weekend, to see how much more difference there really is.

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I did not hear from the rest of the crew and so I am assuming that you have received your goodies.



.....But to be fair, I doubt you would feel that much difference.



There's 3 who have replied and said they received the goods! gosh lol (post #47) :P 


And your review on the difference makes me sad as I have always been under the impression that braided lines make it grip like a mofo! hahah..but at least there's a reduction in pedal travel which is what I assumed would be the main feature of braided lines...


Also would the braided lines help reduce brake fade or whatever its called (like when you use the brake too much/too hard and too many times in a row i.e. when brake fluid gets too hot)? Or maybe not?



Will be interesting to see how much difference there is with the super duper t3 rotors in place! 

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  • WOT?
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Am happy with my brakes now.


T2's and Bendix Ultimates with the braided lines..


Not sure of any difference the braided have made (wasn't consciously looking for differences when they were swapped in, so didn't notice anything that struck me)


Am pretty sure that the pads were the main thing that caused an improvement for normal day to day driving (original were extremely disappointing), with the rotors and the lines being more of a support role - allowing a far more consistent stopping power when the brakes are getting a workout.

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  • MattyP
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Im getting them installed s
With my suspension overhaul so ill give an update soon Edited by McMattyP91
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