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Braided Lines


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  • To Loud
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As discussed in other topics in the Forum, I am starting a new topic for the group buy of braided lines.

The option to purchase DBA rotors and brakes pads is also available if anyone is interested..




I have spoken to Matt at Race Brakes Sydney and he can do a special pricing for us.

At the moment Matt said that we need at least 5 people to part of this group buy to get this special pricing.

For traction control cars, $250 a set.

For non traction control cars, $270 a set.


There is a requirement from Matt, that there only be a one off payment for this.

What this means, is that everyone that wants to make a purchase, has to make a direct deposit into my account first.

Once we have the final numbers and complete payment from everyone, I will then make a payment to Race Brake Sydney.


With that in mind, I will need to know the following information from everyone.

If you want to get braided lines, please post what Year and model falcon you have.

Also if you have the stock brakes or upgraded brakes.

This is relevant, so that they can send out the correct braided lines.


I will not provide my bank details in this thread. I will send a PM to the relevant members with my details.

I would like to set the deadline for the 17th of March

This gives everyone enough time to save up.

If an extension is required, I am sure we can come up with something.


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2006 BFmk2 xr6 turbo. Standard brakes (322mm fronts, 302mm rear)

Price on T3 for the rears, track Pads all around and track fluid if possible, otherwise I can make a call to get it all shipped together
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  • To Loud
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Posted in the "Any Ideas for Group buy Thread"




Would be keen Masda, depending on price and possibly ADR approval.


2011 FG F6, 6/4 Brembo's.  Cheers




I'm keen 2008 fg standard xr6t brakes




I'd be interested too.


2009 G6e turbo with dba T2 slotted rotors and QFM HPX pads. Everything else is stock.



yes, FG xr6t , front is brembo 4 pot, rear is upgraded territory brakes




2010 F6 ute... brembos 4 pots front singles rear.



I am not sure if there is any further interest at the moment.

When I get back from Holidays, I might just get this group buy started.

I will PM all relevant forum members to remind them, just in case they have not read this thread.

I will also PM Aaronm as he may be interested.


Edited by masda74
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Put me down for a set as well! Traction control car (didn't even know there was a non traction control option??lol)


2008 FG XR6T - Standard Brakes (322mm & 302mm)



When I did a Ford Etis vin check on my car it said "With High Series Brakes" ... but I assume that is just the standard larger brakes that come on the turbos? i.e. non turbo have the smaller front calipers?


Could you check this for me masda when you speak to Matt @ RBS (if you remember)??? Or if anyone else knows then please chime in!




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Car is 2010 G6ET 50th. Interested in the brake lines (traction control) and a quote if possible for front and rear T3, also rear T2. If possible price for red or green pads all around.

Also sorry to be a pain however can anyone confirm if the brake line is ADR approved? Had a few prpblems with insuramce companies in the past...

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