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Rabs Jtg Lpg Fg 320+Rwkw Diary


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Stock all round - I did query Brett when chatting over the phone and he recommended not changing.

Who was I to argue?

Price and effort required to fit these vs springs/shocks/bushes/sway bars etc (plus the niggle in the back of the mind as to whether or not you've chosen the "best" setup) really won't be all that huge. (not that I'm the one going to the effort :P)

That said - Brett did mention a single bush (or link or coupling or something) at the front end (I think) - can't remember which it was - am sure he would have made sure I put one in if it was important.

Fingers crossed the rain holds off tonight - a nice "leisurely" cruise down the Peninsula might be on the cards ;)

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Any chance of a comparison Dyno printout of mine and BenDoCo's runs (conditional on Don's consent of course) like you did with the stock intercooler and PW intercooler cars earlier?

I reckon we'd both find it very interesting and informing with the chat's we've had about how and why we think our cars perform so differently with similar power, but different boost levels and hardware.

Would be interesting to see if what us amateurs sort of tossed round over a cup of coffee after the races as to what we sort of think might, maybe be happening actually resembles what the figures show ;)

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I was drinking coffee whilst you were diving into some expensive scotch.

I don't mind at all Mick

go for it

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Cheers - will do

Don - I said "a cup of coffee" - may have neglected to mention that it was yours, and that I was on the single malt ;)

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Hey Mick - just a Friday evening question for you - not expecting any time spent on the query over the weekend - will give you a call Monday.

Slight hint of the roughness to the tune back again today, but I think I may be closer to a cause/reason

Am probably on the same tank of petrol I was on when the issues started (or at least topped up the same tank) and everything was fine since it was in for a cleanout the other week.

Today when leaving work there was a little bit of the hesitation back in the system and thinking back - the only thing I can think of different is that I ran it on petrol last night for about 10-15km when the gas ran out.

There was a time probably about when the initial problems started that I was also out of gas - the pump wouldn't let me chuck any in so I had to chuck in a $20 of united P100 (only other fuel at the servo) and cruise the 30 odd kms to the next servo.

Could switching back across to that last night for a while (instead of the usual 20 seconds or so on startup) - either because it's P100 or a dodgy tank of fuel introduce something to the system or tune that could cause the roughness?

Will fill up with 98 tomorrow and run the 95 tune to clear out the fuel system and was just wondering if any of that could point to a reason for what was experienced?

EG - if the engine notices the crap fuel on startup it will run crap for the rest of that session; if it doesn't notice by the time it switches to LPG it runs fine?

Anything I should add to the fuel? Injector cleaner/octane booster etc for that tank?

Feel free to tell me I'm a dumb arse for using the P100 etc and lucky I didn't do something catastrophic if that's the case too.

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the stoich value of P100 is different to gas and also petrol, your fuel trims will change and then there could be an issue when the other fuel is used until the trims reset

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