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Plaz Vs Process West


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Crazy, im only running the pw stage 1 stepped cooler and haven't had that issue, it must perform better than plaz stage 2

stage 1 ftw .. would be good to see back to back comparisons on s1 / s2 / s3 PW coolers ..... my stage 1 on a hot day (33+) loses 1/10 over the 1/4

but mid 10,s on a stage 1 ,,im happy with pw

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Tuning is waaaaaay more important... if your tuner is telling you 40deg AIT is too high he aint tuning it right.... if he's telling you that while tuning on E85 run the hell away

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  • MattyP
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Got a black stage 2 PW

Very happy with it kev

3 degrees above ambient when I'm giving her abit

Got me an 11.8 through one wheel on a 33 degree day

Cannot recommend enough

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Seems like there is quite a bit of conflicting opinions here ! first this top tuner Joe, 10 second street FG xr6 and guna unleash a 9 second monster! Last few days I talked to a few, who I think are top tuners ,

well they go round the world tuning race cars, and most of them actually own four bangers that do low 8s and 7s and incidentally I recall seeing Plazmaman at WSID with there own 2L turbo doing low 9s

and that was 8 years ago! I asked one of these tuners which cooler would be best for my 2010 FG and mentioned that there is a PW guy saying his coolers are so much better! he looked at me and laughed!

He said its all in the tune and that Plazmamans new tube and fin coolers work really well he has a 600 x 300 on a race car with 420 kw he also said if you think bar and plate is better Plazmaman sell them

so now the technical stuff he mentioned to the dummies like me on bar and plate coolers measure the tube thickness the distance between the tubes and count the number of fins in one inch inside and

outside and if they are the same its the same core! that is if they both have the same outside dimensions, he said there is not teck to a Chinese core! unlike the American and European cores that is why

no race teams use them! I did some research and Plazmaman bare and plates are much cheaper than PW Hmmmm interesting I looked at this forum to get information and ppls options so when I make

my purchase it is the right one for me, more investigation coming !

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if it's all in the tune, why do we need to spend money on intercoolers at all?

Why do manufacturers have spark adjustment for IAT?

because it does matter what the temp of the IAT is and what the engine can tolerate before knocking

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  • Bronze Donating Members
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Im pretty sure nizpro coolers are bar and plate . From what I've read they do their own R&D so there must be some reason why they prefer bar and plate design. And their cars have run some impressive numbers at the track.

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@amm, that's all well and good.

So how do you explain myself and plenty of others getting dramatically better results and temps from direct changes from plaz tube and fin to pw bar and plate?

We're not talking about Jap race cars here bud, wrong forum.

Joe at CMS is a specialist at these barra fords and bases most of his business around it.

From what I gather, and I'm far from an expert, is that you need an intercooler that will have the least gain in IATs over a given time. This allows you to tune within the factory safeguards that adjust spark etc to prevent damage. I'm sure some tuners may simply disable these but in my opinion that's the wrong way of going about a problem.

Over the past few months we've seen plenty of proof that the pw coolers obtain a much smaller temperature increases over the dyno runs compared to the plazmaman tube and fin intercoolers they market for the falcons.

I'm not saying that this means they aren't a good cooler, especially in race cars and these 8 second 4 bangers you go on about, but the cars we are talking about here are simply not race cars.

IMO and I believe it is completely backed up from my own cooler swap and countless other evidence, the PW bar and plate coolers are a MUCH better application for our cars.

Edited by TomT
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Hay I admit I don't know sh*t! I like the rest of us want to spend our money wisely, I just get a lot of conflicting information

and I definitely am not into being a horsepower hero! just want a good all-round performing street car so I do a lot

of research and talk to ppl that I think know what they are talking about, don't knock four bangers they are a good test bed!

read my previous posts I am still sticking to my original post that all the PW Nizpro Rapid and plazmaman PWR coolers will

do it for you, but when one supplier says they are head and shoulders better than the rest when he is using a Chinese core

like the rest and make stupid clams like give one of his coolers and pay for the other, that's like buying a Ford and Expensive Daewoo

giving you a car and saying if you think it is a better car they will pay for it! Don't want to bring up sh*t just logical thinking

but I heard the other day Rapid is smacking Joes customers on the street with his coolers on his street tune! I I cant say

that is true I was not there! ppl here are saying PW is good because he exports well PWR won a export of the year and

supply nascar and red bull F1 and Plazmaman supply race teams around the world, I have looked through most of the reverent

posts and it seems PW has a bee in his bonnet with both manufactures! also plazmaman has a huge amount of cores available

in different configurations including Chinese bar and plates witch I think are the same core so pray tell me how can he be so much

better than nizpro plazmaman rapid PWR ? BTW if you are a groupie and love the guy im sorry to upset you!

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Are you trying to say that the tests are wrong? Plaz uses tube and fin for their falcon intercoolers so that's what the comparison is between.

Nizpro may be just as good as pw, the topic name is plaz vs pw.

The falcon specific intercoolers from pw test much better than the falcon specific coolers from plaz time and time again, so what are you arguing against?

Also no idea what you heard about rapid but I know for a fact one of the comparison swaps where the pw stg3 blew them away was from a rapid cooler.

Edited by TomT
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