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03 Ba Xr6T Full Rebuild, Lots Of New Bits, Need Opinions Please :)


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Hi everyone :wavey:
Let me start off by saying I have been an avid follower of the forums for sometime but rarely post as I usually find the answers Im after just by browsing. Its a great community here and Im hoping to aquire some of the vast knowledge floating around in here.

Ok so I have had my 03 BA xr6t for about 5yrs ( it has 205,000ks) now with a few minor probs along the way but nothing major until recently when the torque convertor in the btr4 sh*t itself.
So while getting the box rebuilt I decided I'd get a 3200rpm hi-stall convertor put in it for abit more launch... So of course the first time I tried to really use the stallie I spun a main bearing. :thumbdown:
So time for a rebuild, I pulled the whole donk apart, cleaned and inspected everything and am part way through my build (cams are back in but rocker cover is still off). I will list the parts I already have followed by what I havent yet purchased but plan on getting. Id love some opinions on parts and what you think I should realisticly aim for in terms of safe, drivable rwkw for a street car. (plan to run 10 - 11 psi)

Car currently has:

  • ACL big and small end race bearings
  • JE Forged Pistons and Spool Conrods
  • Plazmaman Valves Springs
  • ARP head studs
  • Full exforce exhaust 4"dump 5"cat 3.5" back into dual 2.5"
  • HDI GT2 Intercooler with F6 hot side piping
  • Growler CAI
  • Built BTR 4 with 3200rpm stall and oil cooler
  • 255lph pump and fuel regulator
  • New bits like Timing chain and tensioner, harmonic balancer, coils and plugs, water pump, rad hoses etc

Parts I plan to buy:

  • Bosch or siemens injectors
  • SCT x3 Flash Tuner
  • Atomic Chrome molly billet flex plate
  • Garrett or Turbosmart 12psi Actuator

Im abit worried that I didnt change the oil pump gears out for billet gears. How good are the standard gears?
Thanks in advance to every1 who took time to read and reply :victory:

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change your oil pump gears, an your motor will be good for 550rwkw.

Yep I think im going to have to pull the timing cover back off so I can change the pump gears....

The motor will be pretty solid but I'm thinking my standard turbo will be the limiting factor as to how much power it will produce at the end. Ive heard about 12psi is the most you can get outta the 35/40 without changing housing etc, is that about right? Also does the wastegate need to be ported to safely run 10psi?

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Not sure who told you about 12psi max on the turbo, but I have seen them running 19-20psi without an issue, you may need to get the flapper enlarged and replaced along with the actuator for accurate boost control.

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also if you only plan to run such low boost why not just buy an FG short motor and be done with it for $2600, slap your head on and away you go, not sure why you would spend so much money on good gear and then run such small boost and power out of it. Just my 2c, if I had those go fast bits in my engine I would be aiming for high 400KW range.

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also if you only plan to run such low boost why not just buy an FG short motor and be done with it for $2600, slap your head on and away you go, not sure why you would spend so much money on good gear and then run such small boost and power out of it. Just my 2c, if I had those go fast bits in my engine I would be aiming for high 400KW range.

Im looking to build a tough street car and have it be very reliable and not likely to go bang. At the current time im looking just to service my turbo and get what I can outta it until money permits me to get something better. Porting the wastegate and getting a bigger flapper won't be too hard and I already plan to get the 12lb actuator...

What kinda power do u think I could make if I did this and ran somewhere around 10 - 12psi?

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300KW maybe less, I am not a professional but I think the factory run 8-10psi and make 250-260ish, so you would be around the 300kw mark give or take.

Car was vcm tuned years ago and was making 265rwkw with just an exhaust and growler CAI and running stock 6-7psi, was hoping 12psi with my other mods would get me at least 330+

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