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Fg Xr6 Na Turned Supercharge, Need Help With Diff Gears!


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Centrifugal blown xr6 with a high stall against a std Fg f6. I would put money on the blown xr6.

He has less power than a standard FG F6

And very good observation sexual harassment, good to see you've read the owners manual.

Edited by AdamIan69
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Centrifugal blown xr6 with a high stall against a std Fg f6. I would put money on the blown xr6.

And very good observation sexual harassment, good to see you've read the owners manual.

If it's an auto you could throw in a high stall. 2500 rpm or 3000rpm would be awesome. You will have to pull the box to put loctite on the flex plate bolts anyway.

What I was saying is that the FG F6 will put a lot more stress on the flywheel bolts and yet not all FG F6 bolts are coming loose. He will not "have to" pull out his gearbox. If he does then a bit of 243 may fix it put a tack weld or wire would be my choice.

As for it beating a standard FG F6 down the 1/4 I highly doubt it.

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There's a guy running a BA n/a with 6T cams and springs, 'stractors, a centrifugal blower, intercooler, T400 with a 5k high stall and no interior at kwinana drags and he runs mid 12's.

He's running 13psi but don't know what hp.

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Hey guys yeah I'll give it a shot for the video as for 0-100 still haven't done one yet as waiting on injectors because I'm shirt shifting at 4500 revs because my timing belt is cut to avoid detonation but will let you guys know by tonight on the video... Just a quick warning no matter what type of camera is used it does not express one how loud it is and two the true sound of the blower on any type of phone or camera... Will post a link or something once it's uploaded... As for beating f6 I'm not sure as the torque is given from 2500-5500 revs where as mine has to wine a bit until it goes hard but once a lsd and better diff ratio is put in then who knows what can happen as the na 6 is severely downgraded compared to a fg f6 from stock

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awesome build mate, will be following this thread. Nice to see somebody doing something different. Hi stall will effect your fuel economy less and is more fun, can be a bitch to drive as a daily though, depending how high you go, the 5k rpm in the ba mentioned would be err, entertaining if u like doing powerskids everywhere, think of it like slipping the clutch at 4500rpm or so(they always tend to stall a little lower than rated, or atleast they did back in my t700 days)

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I had a 3000rpm stall in my old T and it flared to about 3400rpm. I used it to take some of the torque hit off the old BTR transmission. 880nm tends to kill them pretty quick. I reckon a similair one would be good for street application in your car. You can also rework the factory converter too.

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