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Fg Xr6 Na Turned Supercharge, Need Help With Diff Gears!


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Well ATM I'm making 400-450km lol but I guess it's because I love taking off from first and just keep running through the gears.. Once that boost hits it's unbelievable hahaha, and ok we'll I got an email from tuffcarparts they said they have 3.7 and 3.9 gears for only 550.. But ATM I've decided ill finish off the tune and get the injectors in see how that goes and go on from there because the supercharger put me back ALOT... So not so loose on throwing money ATM thanks again for help guys appreciate it:) btw what do u guys think of the sound of the supercharger I put up a video has anyone watched it yet

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Cool project.

Although I would have suggested trading it on a Mk 2 turbo of the same colour, ripped the turbo badge off and the olds wouldn't be any wiser.

But as you say, the only supercharged mk2 around.

I guess your car takes a bit to get going off the mark as you need revs to make boost whereas the turbos just need exhaust gas.

Hopefully we'll see you on a WA cruise soon and can check it out and you can see how it compares.

Good onya for taking a different road to the norm.

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Yeah a high stall is the answer it lets the revs flare up on take off so you can stall it up on the brake for a monster take off that will chop most manuals and not rev so hard on the freeway etc as if you change the diff ratio get the auto tuned as well at same time if you can then it will shift nice and hard should be a lot of fun good on ya being different

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2.73 is the correct gears for the 6 speed auto. The ratios in the box work out similar to a 6 speed manual and 3.73. Wait till the car is tuned properly and then I think you will find its fine.

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Hey guys thanks for reply boganspeed pm me tell me what club or cruise are going I have been trying to find some but haven't found any worth going to mostly Late model camira cruises and I really can't be bothered with them when they are so narrow minded and biased especially about fords when I can put most of their 6.2l v8s behind my rear view mirror by 2nd gear lol.. And arronm are you talking about a proper tune or a trams tune? If so where could I do a teams tune if that would help with my car and I'm still waiting on Herrod to tell me when they activate turbo logic for the na because it's new they still haven't activated it so I can't use the 2 bar map sensor I bought which may also be a little issue with my take offs as it doesn't understand the car has been boosted

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  On 22/01/2014 at 2:46 AM, AdamIan69 said:

I would say about the same time, although with the power your running you will have to pull the box in the future to tighten a loose flex plate, due to ford not loctiting it's mounting bolts.

He has less power than a standard FG F6

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Revbasher, just keep an eye on the WA section and a cruise will come up soon.

We usually have them every month although it looks like January might have snuck past without one.

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I think I have less than a standard fg f6 ATM but once the injectors

And I get a proper tune pretty sure will have same

If not slightly

More than f6 ATM it's 340 which will

Jump to about 350-360 rwhp so it's pretty



Difference is the acceleration :( and boganspeed okay ill

Keep an eye out

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