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Manual Only Ba-Fg, Xr6 Turbo ¼ Mile Times


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If anything this will be good to watch. A purpose built manual strip monster cant wait to see how it goes. Either way its gonna be good fun practising for ya. have fun & dont be disappointed if you dont break records the first couple of times you go out. It always takes time to adjust to a new setup wheather there subtle changes or a whopper like your under taking. congrats on havin the balls to undertake something like this, theres no harm in setting goals high or otherwise :spoton:

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Im not sure its a purpose built manual strip monster...

Doesnt it have a full house audio setup with TV's and sh*t in the boot?

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All the very best on beating that time....but just a qst. Does the current record holder run that 11.3 or so in a factory turbo or is it an upgraded turbo..

Im all for records and that and I understand that youll be running against that time with a gt45r....if so what is the record for a standard turbo , because I think that there should be 2 groups for records...1 is to have standard turbos and the other aftermarket bolt on turbos class.

I just dont think that its fair to put them together in the same group.

There are no "record's" or "guideline's" set for any category with these car's, we just make our own, as it give's everyone a realistic goal to adhere to, giving the "little guy" a shot at a title.

In my eye's, the quickest manual BA/BF Turbo is just that, however they choose to go about it.

We all have access to exactly the same know how and modification's, some guy's like to take it all the way, and so should be rightfully recognised and rewarded accordingly.

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  • Silver Donating Members
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Im not sure its a purpose built manual strip monster...

sorry probably not quite the right way of putting it, how about setup with 1/4 mile racing in mind. sounds much better I think.

As for dividing classes I think it would be a never ending battle in justifng being in one group or the next but most of us have a good idea at what point & who we're chasing in regards to our own times. It's ll for your own mantle including myself otherwise we probably wouldnt push as hard as we do I recon.

Edited by qik1
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Whatever its intended to be set-up for its gonna make some big power and put a bloody big smile on Andrew's face, that's all I'm aiming for.

Oh, and to break the manual record - lancer or falcon... :blush:

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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not really agreeing with the seperate groups idea but Muzza's 11.6 with factory turbo has got be up there as he said the one givin him a hard time at jambo had a bigger turbo

and have fun Senna sounds like a good project you guys are building

and pretty sure Muzza was running some serious rubber for that to so don't think semi's would cut it

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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ahh 11.7, I dont think so buddy....

And what ET have you posted @ 112mph?

And what time have you run with 300rwkw in a manual??

Come back to me when you've finished talking..

Again - good luck with it - I mean that sincerely..

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^^^ LOL

Whatever its intended to be set-up for its gonna make some big power and put a bloody big smile on Andrew's face, that's all I'm aiming for.

Oh, and to break the manual record - lancer or falcon... :blush:

and Senna even the autos don't have a chance against a Manual EVO let alone this guy.

But yeah hopefully he does break the BA/BF/FG manual record. I'd love to see a manual in the 10s.

If he doesn't do it maybe I might have to give it a crack.

Edited by TUFGSR
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