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What To Do... Driving Such Short Distance!


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Will be moving house in next couple of weeks, local train station is 3kms away. Looking at taking train as station near work is 500mtrs away and car only being 2 years old has already got 60000ks on it..

What I want to know is driving car to station only 3kms away good on engine as it will not be at operating temptutre by the time I get there....just trying to avoid adding more Ks to car, or should I walk to station and home? Benifits will be instead of spending $100 on fuel.. 3 services a year.. And if I did drive should I warm car up for a few minutes then drive to station.

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  • Member For: 14y 4m 11d
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Only down side to walking is got to get up at 4:40am to be at station by 5:15 and work by 6am... But sounds like a plan at $2.50 a day as if I get to station I'm getting off at by 6am it's free on the way to work... Only got to pay for trip home.

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  • To Loud
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I was going to suggest that with the savings of leaving the car at home, you could get one of those segways or Ebikes...

Ebike you could fold up and take with you on the train. but the segway would have to be locked up at the station.


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  • I <3 Floods
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Hey Pazz I was in exactly the same boat in brisbane for a while.. Was driving a BA Xr6 at the time.. Because I was catching a 5:00am train and it was frikkin cold I was drive to the station.. Didn't pay that much attention and when I was due for a service took the car in for a service..

Mechanic commented on how thick the oil was that came out of the car and said obviously I wasn't letting the engine get anywhere near operating temperature to effectively burn the sh*t out of the oil.. He even asked if he could leave it up on the hoist to drain the sump over night..

Walk or Ride buddy.. Train lockups are good things for bikes.. Train carparks aren't great things for cars.. Since the average punter is running late and doesn't give a fok where his door hits the side of your car..

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