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Anyone Rocking An Xbox One?


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 11m 4d
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

I'm not really sure bungie were thinking properly when they gave approval to only 5 available strikes for vanguard marks.. same ones over and over and over and in alot of cases you repeat the same one back2back..

Ive grinded the game so much over the last 2 weeks, ive capped my vanguard and crucible marks for this week (100ea) and have got full legendary with an excotic helm to put my level to 27. Been chest running for helium filaments and spinmetal to level up my gear for 28.

Honestly though they need some new content asap cause after everyones completed the raid theres frig all else to do.. its actually disappointing how little there is to do in this game seeing as how long its been in development.. dont get me wrong the worlds are big, open and beautifull but theyre just vastly empty.. and the central hub is stupidly small.

All up:

Single player campgain = dogsh*t (what a waste of time for a story that has no backbone and just expects the player to know whats going on)

PVE strikes/farming/raids/missions = fun for the most part but after you do the same 5 strikes and patrol missions hundreds of times to be able afford the higher end gear it really takes it toll on your enjoyment of the game.

PVP = probably the most enjoyable for me seeing as im a pvp sorta guy and fairly good at it, the random loot rewards at the end are bullsh*t though and many people just afk it in order to get gear and marks at the end for doing nothing where ill constantly finish top 2 and get frig all half the time, that rng..

Sad to say but by the time the paid dlc and free updates start really rolling out the player base is going to fall dramatically, theres just not enough exciting things to do in the vanilla version of destiny.

Edit: spelling mistakes cause fat fingers.

Edited by AzMahoony
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