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Best Way To Diagnose Limp Mode?


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  • Member For: 13y 3m 6d

Hi all,

I have recently replaced the turbo, new front mount, new piping. Basically had most of the induction and exhaust apart. I have put the car back together and its running but it goes into limp mode.

Car wont throttle over 2-3000RPM, I figured I forgot to plug in a sensor. Went over all of the sensors and made sure they are plugged in correctly. All look fine.

I have a SCT Chip with hand controller. Tried looking for the ecu to plug the hand controller into see if it has a diagnosis function to see what sensor is the issue but I couldnt find the ECU.

Does the hand controllers have diagnosis settings? what would be the easiest way to diagnose this.

Got a tune in the morning and need to sort it out before then. :(

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