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High Revs On Cold Start, Revs Stay High For 15-20 Seconds Then Slowly


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  • Member For: 13y 9m 24d

Hi All,

My 03 4 spd auto ba xr6t is having an issue on startup. When started (generally on cold start) the revs go high which I assume is natural for a tuned xr6t but then stay high for like 15-20 seconds sometimes more, and if I go to put it into any other gear, the engine light comes on and the car will auto stall.

It has a wog cooler, upgraded valve springs, 42lb deka injectors, rebuilt auto, cold air intake and tuned to 280rwkw.

The following codes have come up on a test:

P0171 - System too lean

P0238 - Lack of HO2s - 11 Switches indicates lean (B1, S1)

P2105 - Throttle actuator control system - forced engine shutdown (assuming when I try to put into gear when revs are so high at startup)

P2110 - Throtle actuator control system - forced limited RPM.

I have also noticed under WOT I feel the boost having gaps, I can even hear the induction gaps from the CAI...

Can anyone give me their 2 cents as I am totally lost at the moment.

Absolutely any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Member For: 14y 9m 3d

Hi there, I have had the same problem and after doing some research, I was pointed in the direction of the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor). I changed this and the problem still exists, but not as bad as before. My symptoms include the car running really rough, like it is running on 3 cylinders, and I immediately switch it off and back on again and the problem disappears.

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