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My G6Et (My First Car From Aust.)


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Not sure if I've mentioned this here before but the 2nd to 1st bumping in my car was "learned out" by the computer by simply changing driving style. It deff did it when we got ours......all I did was either break harder just as your stopping......or most of the time.....just as it would normally bump....let the car slowly move forward and it will softly engage 1st. Now the bumping is totally gone. :) hope that helps!

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It has been a while so here is the latest....

Near enough 80K service done (Mine is a little out so it's the 75k service). Got a call to say the brake fluid is due so extra $90 for that. I mentioned rough start issue and surging if selecting R/D too soon, So they replaced the fuel filter $90. I've attached the photo of the fuel they say came from my filter.

It still lurched and was rough when I tested it this morning.

ICC update, $140!!!!!! spun me some BS story about the cost of the machine and monthly updates blah blah blah.

I said the car has DSC faults, No code stored. Even though I showed them a photo of the dash all lit up. They reset the brake switch.

Again I mentioned the lurch in the transmission, Again they tell me it's normal. But they also said the fluid is a little dirty but not burnt. Suggested I look at replacing it, This will help with shifting. Oh and that'll be $1700 please. Apparently 'life long' gearbox oil that needs replacing around every 100K. Yeah Thanks Ford.

Additional notes on the invoice were:- serpentine belt - suggest replacement next service, Tensioner pulley is a little noisy - Replace next service, 1 diff bush has minor crack - Suggest replacement next service (warranty covered).

No mention of spark plug replacement, so who knows they reckon these need doing. Thinking I'll just change them myself. Also find a mechanic that is more specialist rather than Text Book.

I am getting a message that says Low Car Battery, Bluetooth shutting down. But I see this when I turn the car on in the morning. Battery was tested during service and has over 600CCA, but it's a couple of years old so may suit replacement.

I'm thinking about sourcing a factory cooler that doesn't have the plastic tanks like mine. Also the plastic cooler pipes so I can ask a mate to price up remaking them in stainless for me. I believe the pipe kit is around $500 so I'll see how the costs go. Not looking for mods that require re-tune yet, just removing some of the plastic.




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The prices I quoted included the labour.

Eg. Fuel Filter was $22, I found a Ryco one for $20 off ebay so not alot of difference there. $68 in labour charges. Yeah I could have done this one myself.

Brakes on the other hand F$90 (F$ = Ford Dollars), $12.50 I think it was for the brake fluid. Not a job a feel like doing at home.

Did I pay $1700 for Trans service? God no, Transmission service wasn't done. Guy said 10L @ $65/L plus filter, pan & labour = F$1700. No way in hell am I going to Ford for that one.

The ICC is the most BS charge I paid, Guy said they charge F$120-F$140 just for ecu code diag.

That will be the last service a Ford service dept. does on my car (excluding warranty jobs). To keep the warranty valid it just needs an authorised mechanics sign off, So time to find a more realistic mechanic.

On my Celsior & Cruiser I've done the servicing inc. timing belts, So this is first time I've had to pay labour charges. So I'm adjusting to this additional costiing.

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I've been quoted $330 for a full transmission service n my G6ET, that price you mentioned is ridiculous, they're putting their hands in your pockets mate. If you're from Melbourne, Knox Transmissions is where I'm going to get mine done the guy seems real legit, knows what he's on about.

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There is no way I'll be going to Ford for anything more unless it's warranty work. I live in Ipswich (West of Bris.). Might travel to find a shop that knows what they doing. Since it seems Ford do not.

Decided I would replace the plugs to try and help the cold start (Bit of a rough idle too) issue I'm having. As you can see they were pretty sad looking but sadly they didn't help.


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