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My G6Et (My First Car From Aust.)


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Seems to work for Fraud / Ford and this warranty company who is ripping this bloke a new one. For how many years now has Fraud persisted with this one part known to fail? Ask yourself how many people have been caught out just outside of warranty and then forked out 8k plus for a gearbox.

Sorry but righteous Ford is not. Apathy for the consumer is order of the day.

Edited by crazyxa
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While I am 100% for this being fixed without the OP paying anything, giving advice that may end with the OP having a criminal record is just plain dumb!

Here is what I think.

Get good legal advice.

Prepare all the details sorted out before seeing the lawyer

-get all paperwork in order

-write down all dates/times conversations, who they were with, what each person said

This will minimise the (expensive) time with the lawyer sorting out what is going on, so they can give you advice.

Make notes about the known problems with the coolers, and what has been done in (and out?) of warranty for people.

As far as I can tell there are several issues to discuss

1. You have a warranty and it should be fixed under that

2. There is a known issue with the coolers, that is Fords responsibility

This will cost you something, but should give you a good plan of what do do next.

It is not clear to me: Who is supposed to be fixing the problem under the warranty you bought?

Ford, the dealer, or some external warranty company?

If it is Ford that is supposed to fix it, I dont think that the Ford dealer going broke changes anything - surely Ford still needs to deal with the claim? If it was a new car, and the dealer went broke, Ford would still have to fix a warranty claim.

In any case, you need legal advice to tell you what to do next.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Latest update.......

Ford Australia is paying for the parts! exchanger and g'box. I'm paying the labour & misc bits & pieces.

So while I was hoping to not have to pay anything, A smallish portion of the original bill is okay.

When I get it back the reliability mods will be done, Full IC piping replacement and fitting a bloody trans cooler!

Cheers for your help and support guys.


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  • To Loud
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fark I was almost in tears reading your story. I could not believe what you have been through.

This is the one reason I have never bought a second hand car. I would have no idea what I am looking out for.

The fact that ford is coming to the table makes me smile.

Can I ask how come the change? before they said no way and now they are replacing the parts.

Did you get a lawyer in the end?

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Yes!! Sorry I couldn't do more for you - I did try. Glad this will get sorted. Now, PWR exchanger is first mod when car gets back yes?

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Hi guys.

Haven't heard anything about my car for just over a week. Last thing I heard was they'd put the request in for a gearbox (comes from Melb. I think). But with Christmas & New Year it's understandable. But hopefully not too much longer...

Not sure what why they changed their minds, my reply letter took a direct shot at their 'Maintenance related' point. It's kind of funny that they took longer to say no to the request in the beginning than they did to change their minds and say yes.

I didn't need to get a lawyer in the end, I asked for their position to be in writing. They declined..... I wouldn't want to set a precedence or anything :wild:

The rebuilt box will have 12mth/20,000Km warranty so I won't be able to touch it for that period. But If I still have the car when that runs out the factory cooler will be gone straight away. I don't think Ford will be willing to give me 2 free gearboxes should it happen again.

I had investigated getting a tuner near home to rebuild the box. I was looking at $3500 drive in->drive out with a box with stronger clutch packs etc. oil-air trans cooler, plus $700 for a new torque converter just to be safe. This would have been ideal to do I know, but just not the right time to spend that kind of $$. Particularly when I was planning to sell the car after this saga.

Since it now looks like I'll be keeping the car I'll be shopping around for metal cooler pipes, throttle body elbow, intake muffler. Basically every plastic pipe (cross over being the exception) will go.

If anyone has/knows of a early standard intercooler for sale please let me know. Mine has the plastic tanks. :(

I have no immediate plans to tune it at this stage, I just want piece of mind. I don't want to worry about the plastic pipes letting go.

I haven't driven the car since the 31st of Oct. So it will be nice to drive it again.

Thanks again guys, Hopefully very soon I'll be saying I'm back driving it.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 26d

I would not bother spending any money on it after the rebuild given you will sell it. The standard intercooler pipes are fine on factory boost. I and others I know have had no issues. Mine are almost on 5 years and 65,000km.

It's your money.

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