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My G6Et (My First Car From Aust.)


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Good stuff. Spoke to my contact who also said there was nothing he could do being a third party warranty. If it was still under factory the tranz would have been replaced. Hope you can out wait them. That will be their play right now.

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Thanks for checking anyway. It's funny that the warranty company say the warranty I have is an extension of the manufactures warranty. But they don't treat it the same as one or cover the car the same.

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Ok if all else fails buy a G6ET with factory warranty get a few mates around swap your blown box with farked exchanger and claim the repair on the car with warranty.

Note the mechtronics unit will be fried and the dumb c@nts won't check either on the warranty car. If anything maybe pull it out and soak it in salt water too

That's how I would win this!

Then sell the car in worst condition.

Also purchase a PWR exchanger.

Note. On the good box you swap into your current car you will have to pay another dealer to reprogram to the PCM. Worst case you spend $140 for that and beer and pizza for your mates time.

The final win option that I would not consider involves a jerry can and matches and you making profit.

Edited by crazyxa
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Crazyxa - Your idea is way out there and a lot more costly than the g'box repair.

The saga continues. With the dealership moving closer to liquidation the warranty company now informs me they're only an administrator and can no longer assist with any claims in the future. The warranty was/is between me and the dealership.

So now I try to recoup costs from the Administrators/Receivers, which for anyone that has been through the process before can take a very, very, very, very long time.... I was told at least a year. Only saving grace might be that my claim was in before they went to the wall. But we'll wait and see.

I've got a total repair cost from Ford, repairing/replacing the box (including the mechatronic unit) replacing the stupid BS heat exchanger (or pay them more to fit an air->oil cooler and not replace the exchanger) plus the oil, etc. etc.

They also told me they've been driving it in and out of the workshop everyday for the past 5 weeks now. I nearly pulled the guy through the phone when he said this. But they're Ford trained tech's and they know what they're doing.........

Sadly the storms in Brisbane in the coming days/weeks won't be enough to kill it. It would only get repaired.

So that's the story for now, getting closer to me having to put my hand in my pocket to pay the bill. Then I'm faced with the keep/sell decision. Only light is that if I keep it I can mod it now and not worry about voiding the warranty.



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Short term my idea is costly. Once you sell the repaired car it is not. It may cost you nothing in the end. BTW my idea its a practice dealers/trade has done this for years.

Used to be easy if you could find a rental car same make. How do you guys think dodgy backyarders ever made cash.

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And talking about it in an open forum isn't very smart either

Edited by BenDoCo
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