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Holden Gone!


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  • Sucker
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  • Member For: 20y 10m 8d
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Bring on nuclear power. :buttrock: Get past the hysteria and it makes sense.

People keep pointing the finger at the unions, whilst it is a big part of the problem its not the reason.

You cant compete with a country that pay's its workers 5 bucks a month.

Thailand's wages are apparently comparatively the same - in terms of average wage and cost of living etc. so it's all relative. But their productivity is ten times ours...we breed slack lazy fckers whose main goal is to milk the system whilst doing the least amount of work possible.

I.e. courtesy of the Fin Review...


Some of these aren't too extreme, but keep in mind this is whilst getting almost double the award wage to begin with. That sh*t doesn't happen in the real world. And this is just some of the terms they want to change, there'd be probably three times that list of stupid erroneous crap that the unions have loaded up in the EBAs that are crippling these companies.

Take a typical office worker on salary for example, they get a decent pay but that's it. There's no extra time off for union jaunts, or paid time to wash your hands at the end of the day, or paid overtime, or penalties for not having lunch. And FMD if you have a sicky you even have to prove it's legitimate! Unbelievable isn't it.

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Unionised building sites are 10X worse than the manufacturing sector.I believe the Government should allow companies to hire cheaper labour,say from the Philippines or Indonesia.

Australian tradies have had it too easy far,far more than the ordinary person on the production line.

Companies have had massive blow outs of budgeted costs for buildings over the years.

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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  • Member For: 15y 4m 8d
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  • Location: Far north queensland

Bring on nuclear power. :buttrock: Get past the hysteria and it makes sense.

Thailand's wages are apparently comparatively the same - in terms of average wage and cost of living etc. so it's all relative. But their productivity is ten times ours...we breed slack lazy fckers whose main goal is to milk the system whilst doing the least amount of work possible.

I.e. courtesy of the Fin Review...


Some of these aren't too extreme, but keep in mind this is whilst getting almost double the award wage to begin with. That sh*t doesn't happen in the real world. And this is just some of the terms they want to change, there'd be probably three times that list of stupid erroneous crap that the unions have loaded up in the EBAs that are crippling these companies.

Take a typical office worker on salary for example, they get a decent pay but that's it. There's no extra time off for union jaunts, or paid time to wash your hands at the end of the day, or paid overtime, or penalties for not having lunch. And FMD if you have a sicky you even have to prove it's legitimate! Unbelievable isn't it.

I agree with a lot of the items in the left column but very few in the right hand column

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 4d

Nuclear power is the way to go. All the mishaps have been with 30+ year old designs. Reactors, like everything else have come a long way in 30+ years. To put it into context. Previous generation Nimitz class aircraft carriers required 2 million litres of light crude every three days. Current generation Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carriers require a tennis ball size piece of uranium In its three reactors to power the ship for 20 years.

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