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W A Dec 2013 Cruises - 13Th


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  • Member For: 12y 3m 12d

yep, a little blue death ray warrants starting up the disco party, spinning a u turn, parking in a green lane light, turning from a straight ahead lane, and stopping me on a busy two lane road, against an Armco, with no emergency stopping lane.... now, what's dangerous here. hmmmm

(ps, these new LED lights the cops run are simply TOO bright. everyone comments on them, and they truly do blind drivers, had to adjust my mirrors when pulled up)

basically, I've been told "you can't have any light except white facing forwards"
1) my understading is, you can't have white to the rear, or red to the front.
2) the light, as the rules stand (and I will be getting literature to back this up) is not facing forwards. you can not see the light bar from the front (unlike headlights for instance). ergo, the light faces backwards.

will be having a chat with this officers senior should I find the written law backs up what I have been told on previous occasions, when other police have pulled me up to check this, and ok'd me to drive off.

here is the baby killing, seal clubbing, cute kitty cat eating, mother with pram charging, death ray, the nice *beep*-stable saved the world from.

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  • To Loud
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Fark, I am so annoyed. I asked the misses to take last night off and she said no. Now she tells me today that she has taken next week friday off. Like wtf. Pitty I couldnt make it out last night.

Might have to organise a cruise for next week saturday, to go driving in the hills near mandurah with a few mates who live down that way.

Late night cruise that is.

Edited by masda74
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  • Member For: 12y 10m 3d
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Looks nice man. f*ckin low though. Do you scrape on stuff? Intercooler was really noticeable through the bottom grille, looks sick. What mods/power?

yeh scrapes alot haha. I have actually raised it in the rear a bit because I used to have bigger blocks and that drove like sh!t. I ran territories with stretched tyres for a while, that completely destroyed my undercarriage haha, it hit every thing.

and to 96. sorry to be harsh but get over it. take it over the pits and get the sticker off. its just what happens when driving a modified car, my last sticker gave me until midnight to get it off the road...

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 12d

that's fine, I understand if I get stickered for something illegal....

but I've found the words I need in written form, confirming that my current vehicle defect notice, is wrong.

if the kind police man said "you did a dardy skid back there, son" to any one of you, that'd be something to cop on the chin, if you did it.
but you'd be a bit ticked off if you knew you hadn't and had to cop it anyway.

what is accepted by the majority, is not always what is right.
and people coping it sweet every time only encourages the behaviour of our so incredible inept police force.

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