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W A Dec 2013 Cruises - 13Th


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Great cruise last night, despite the Filth being out in force.

I saw the cop that pinged 96 ripping a u-turn with his party lights on and decided to hightail it and shot through in another direction with XRFOOL on my tail.

We took a few shortcuts to catch up and ended up sitting on the side of Rowley Road waiting for Team XR Turbo to come by and just tagged onto the tail end.

Then, on the Roe Highway, in the midst of some confusion at the Nicholson Rd exit that saw almost everyone pull over. Myself, XRFOOL and Stroller breezed by and stopped at the second meet point (great spot btw Steve) where one of XRF's passengers relieved himself of his dinner out the window of the Falcon.

But was kind enough to keep it off the paint.

We waited for about ten minutes or so by ourselves and decided the rest got lost and headed off only to run into everyone else at the second corner, so back we went.

Kyle bailed after this and the rest of us headed for Innaloo where on the way, I very nearly wore a wheelie bin as a shiny new hood ornament on the farmer freeway which tested everyone's reflexes !

XRF was kind enough to stop and remove the bin from danger, but I fear it's injuries were already terminal, so sad :(

The tunnel was awesome!

I mainly just enjoyed hearing the turbo shennaningans behind me all the way through.

I think there was six cars at the final meet point where Boris went to HJ's for even MORE food ! Dude, where do you put it ?

Can't wait to see more pics !

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  • To Loud
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Seriously? Wwhy the yellow adhesive? Were they just being pricks as usual?

Did the cruise finish at 5 in the morning? You were up pretty early.

Far out that was a great turn out. I still think that primer needs a paint job. ;)

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Sorry we left early guys, was a good night, just a shame about getting lost/cops/aiden's canary etc. It doesn't seem like many others are the same as me, but I prefer the day cruises way better. There may be a little more traffic, but next to no cops, you can see each others cars better, everythings better I reckon. And its good cause sure we all give it a squirt here and there but no one drives stupidly so traffic isn't a huge issue.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Looks like I missed alot of action, would have love to of been there guys but I'm working almost 6-7 days atm and with 3am starts I just burnout by like 9pm.

Why the yellow? Were you good guy Greg or a smartarse? Mate at the gym who's a cop said all the cops these days are taught to base what they do on an attitude test. It worked for me when I got pulled over heading to powercruise!

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Good post Phil, sounds awesome - even the getting lost bits hahaha. Love the puke out the window!!

#96 has (had) a blue illuminated intercooler so an easy target. Bad luck mate :(

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