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Crumple Bar Blocking The Cooler


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I know its not removable if you would like to keep your car street worthy/safe. But im installing my front mount this week and I completed some work on it last weekend to make it fit right and found that the crumple bar blocks a good 35-40% of the intercooler.

What are your thoughts on the impact of this and has anyone sat their cooler lower or higher to get the most out of it?

picture copied from the plazmaman website. I have similar cooler to the kit showed in the picture also.. Instead of mine being the plazmaman 460x400x76 used in the TT kit. I have a plazmaman 500x300x76. Both plazmaman and Tube/Fine coolers and with similar design.


Has anyone completed any mods to this but still keeping it structurally safe/road worthy to maximize the air capacity of any front mount.

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If cars can run 9 second quarters with the bar still there...why do you want to bother removing it?

Maybe hang the cooler out the front of the car tek screwed to the bumper!


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The higher the cooler is the less that is blocked. Cant you fit a 400 or 450 high cooler.

Yeah I can but I got this $1000 500x300x76 plazmaman second hand but never used cooler for $152 inc delivery of ebay. I can fit it higher no problem but either way a 300 or 450 will still get blocked 30-40% with that bar in the way.

Use some aero and channel the air around the bar? I would think that would be an easy option. If you cut that bar It would just be asking for trouble.

Unfortunatly that bar is almost flat up against the cooler. There may be 20mm between the bar and cooler, not enough to get air to flow through onto the fins. Unless you made some sort of vent that covered just that section that plumbed into a tube with air fed from the left or right sides. To much effort imo.

If cars can run 9 second quarters with the bar still there...why do you want to bother removing it?

Maybe hang the cooler out the front of the car tek screwed to the bumper!


I was never going to remove it. Not an option but I just found that every single cooler kit on the market for xr6/f6/TT's all go under the crumple bar and all have the same issue. The only way you can minimise the effect is just get a larger cooler thus taking up less % of the space, seems like a brute approach to the solution. Just thought there was another option...

anyone on the TT's dropping the cooler under the bar? is there enough room?

Don't stress just cut it out... Will get the best cooling and will look tuff.

I wish, if it wasn't a daily then I would but unfortunately I need to keep it road worthy and safe.

even still if you cut it out the front bar is covered over that section so it will still cause an issue.

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If cars can run 9 second quarters with the bar still there...why do you want to bother removing it?

Maybe hang the cooler out the front of the car tek screwed to the bumper!


Dont be stupid Steve, tek screws would ruin the bumper. Use Gaffa tape.

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